Coalition Joins Litigation to Protect Old Spanish National Historic Trail

          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 9, 2024 Contact: Laura Dumais (202) 792-1277 ld*****@pe**.org; Chandra Rosenthal (303) 898-0798 cr********@pe**.org; John Hiscock, (435) 689-1620, jo**********@gm***.com Lawsuit to Safeguard Old Spanish National Historic Trail Multiple Encroachments Doom Old Spanish Trail to Death of Thousand Cuts Washington, DC —The Old Spanish National Historic Trail is

Coalition Applauds Public Listening Session in Support of the Proposed Sáttítla National Monument

  Release Date: December 9, 2024 Media Contact: Emily Thompson, Em************@pr********.org, 202-758-3936 The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition) issued a statement of support for the listening session hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (UDSA) to receive community feedback on the proposed designation of the Sáttítla National Monument. “Last week, hundreds of community

Coalition Comments on the Evaluation of Proposed Easements for the Johnson Tract mine within Lake Clark National Park and Preserve

Submitted via email December 5, 2024 Susanne Fleek-Green Superintendent Lake Clark National Park and Preserve 240 West 5th Avenue, Suite 236 Anchorage, AK 99501 Su***********@np*.gov Re: Draft NHPA Sec. 106 Programmatic Agreement for the Johnson Tract Transportation & Port Site Easements Dear Superintendent Fleek-Green: The undersigned individuals, organizations, and businesses provide the following comments to