Coalition Statement on the Partial Government Shutdown

Statement of Phil Francis, Chair of The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, on the Partial Government Shutdown: “We are deeply concerned about the decision by the Trump Administration and this Republican-led Congress to partially shut down the federal government. Adding insult to injury, Secretary Zinke is directing select national parks to remain open with

Coalition Joins Public Lands Advocates in Telepresser on Government Shutdown

With a potential shutdown of the federal government looming, former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff and public lands and environmental advocates hosted a press call to discuss the ramifications of a shutdown. It was very apparent from the call that this decision would have a serious and negative impact on federal employees, and critical public

Congress Fails to Reauthorize and Fully Fund LWCF

Republican-Controlled Congress Fails to Save LWCF FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 20 December 2018 Following the passage of a continuing resolution bill, the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks released the following statement calling out the massive failure by the Republican-controlled Congress to include a provision to permanently reauthorize and fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund

Coalition’s Statement on Secretary Zinke’s Resignation

Secretary Zinke’s resignation is an opportunity for the current Administration to reconsider our country’s priorities for use of our public lands. Coalition Chair Phil Francis says, “I’m hopeful that Secretary Zinke’s departure marks a new chapter in the story of America’s parks and public lands. During his time as Secretary, our national parks faced unprecedented threats and suffered from a clear lack of support. Now, the current administration must seize this opportunity to appoint a leader who will listen to the needs of those on the ground, work in partnership with the stewards of our public lands, and passionately advocate for the protection of our national parks.” Click “Read More” to read our full statement.

Coalition Chair Comments on New Park Advisory Board

Phil Francis spoke with the Washington Post about the concerning makeup of the new National Park System Advisory Board. “I hope the agenda will be comprehensive, and not just items consistent with business interests,” Francis said, emphasizing the need for members to view their job as more than just promoting outdoor recreation and managing park concessions. Click Read More for the full article.

Coalition Urges Improved Training on Ethics Standards

CPANP has weighed in on the ethics issues that are currently front and center for the NPS and has called for the agency to undertake far-reaching and detailed reforms to the system it uses to educate its own employees on how to work with donor and partner organizations to raise badly needed support for the nation’s national parks. Click “Read More” to read our recent press release.

Coalition Strongly Opposes Potential Change in Law to Allow Pipeline Construction in National Park

There is legislation pending in Congress that would give the National Park Service (NPS) the authority to allow construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline beneath the Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Parkway, endangering the cultural and natural resources contained within the boundaries of both units of the National Park System. Click Read More for our full statement, issued in opposition to this proposed change.

Joint Letter to Congress Urging the Reauthorization and Funding of the LWCF

Congress has failed to reauthorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), despite widespread public support for our nation’s primary source for preserving nationally significant public lands and providing recreational opportunities in communities across the country. As the Voice of Experience, we know firsthand how important the LWCF is to national parks and other public lands. Click “Read More” to read our letter to Congress, sent in partnership with those who have worked for the US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife, and the Bureau of Land Management.

CPANP Urges Congress to Suspend Action on H.R. 6687

The Coalition has sent a letter to Senators Murkowski and Cantwell to urge suspension of further action on H.R. 6687, a bill that would circumvent established processes and mandate that the National Park Service issue long-term leases to continue commercial cattle ranching operations in Point Reyes National Seashore and the northern portion of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

NPS EA for Proposed Alaska Hunting Rule Change is Deeply Flawed

A National Park Service environmental assessment (EA) fundamentally fails to take a hard look at the potential impacts of a proposed rule change that would open Alaska’s national preserves to a variety of controversial and unsportsmanlike hunting practices that target predator species. Click “Read More” to see the Coalition’s comments on the EA.

National Parks Can’t Afford EPA’s So-called Affordable Clean Energy Rule

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) proposed repeal of the 2015 Clean Power Plan rule would roll back robust air emission standards for existing coal-fired power plants. The 2015 rule would be replaced with much weaker requirements under the EPA’s proposed Affordable Clean Energy rule. Click “Read more” to see the joint comment letter submitted to the EPA by the Coalition and 79 other groups.

The LWCF Must Be Reauthorized Without Further Delay

Congress’ failure to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) will have long-reaching and devastating impacts for communities across the United States. The LWCF has been our nation’s primary source for preserving nationally significant public lands and providing recreational opportunities in local communities throughout the country for over 50 years. The Coalition urges Congress to fully fund and permanently reauthorize the LWCF without delay.

Coalition Condemns Cynical Proposal to Repeal NPS Alaska Hunting Regulations

At the direction of the Interior Department, the National Park Service has issued a proposed rule that would open Alaska’s national preserves to controversial and unsportsmanlike hunting practices such as: killing black bear cubs and sows with cubs at den sites; shooting brown bears at bait stations; and killing wolves with pups during the denning season. Click “Read More” to see the Coalition’s comments on the proposed rule.

Coalition Voices “Process” Concerns About Proposed NPS Repeal of Alaska Hunting Regulations

In May 2018, the National Park Service (NPS) published a proposed rule that would repeal a 2015 regulation that prohibits a number of controversial hunting and trapping methods from occurring on National Preserves in Alaska. Despite the high level of public opposition to the proposed repeal, NPS has yet to release a NEPA analysis of its impacts. Click “Read More” to see the Coalition’s letter to the NPS.

The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Joins in IBLA Appeal to Protect Joshua Tree National Park

  The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks along with the National Parks Conservation Association, the Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club have submitted an appeal to the Interior Board of Land Appeals for the August 1, 2018 Decision issued by the California State Office, Bureau of Land Management which granted a right of

The Hill: Visit a national park to see the real impacts of climate change

Dear EPA, visit a national park to see the real impacts of climate change The nation’s top environmental watchdog, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under the Trump administration, recently proposed a new rule to replace the Clean Power Plan, which would have significantly reduced air pollution from coal plants and helped curb future climate disasters.

The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Joins in IBLA Appeal to Protect Joshua Tree National Park

  The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks along with the National Parks Conservation Association, the Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club have submitted an appeal to the Interior Board of Land Appeals for the August 1, 2018 Decision issued by the California State Office, Bureau of Land Management which granted a right of

Groups Request Public Comment Period on BLM Lease Sale near Carlsbad Cavern

May 4th, 2018 Honorable Senator Tom Udall 400 Gold Avenue SW, Suite 300 Albuquerque, NM 87102 Honorable Senator Martin Heinrich 400 Gold Avenue SW, Suite 1080 Albuquerque, N.M. 87102 Re: New Mexico September 2018 Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale Comment Period (DOI-BLM-NM-P000-2018-0004-EA) Dear Senator Udall, Senator Heinrich, We write today to inform you of

Proposed Repeal of Clean Power Plan Rule is Bad for Parks

The Coalition has partnered with the National Parks Conservation Association and the Appalachian Mountain Club to prepare comments which strongly oppose the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) rule. We believe the CPP is an important regulation that is a vital and necessary step towards addressing global human-caused environmental change.

Coalition Members Call on Wyoming Governor to Halt Premature Grizzly Bear Hunt

April 26, 2018 The Honorable Matt Mead, Governor State of Wyoming Idelman Mansion 2323 Carey Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82002-0010 Dear Governor Mead: We, the undersigned, are former and current employees of the National Park Service (NPS) and active members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition). With over 1,500 members, the Coalition collectively

Coalition Appeals to NPS to Reconsider Harmful OHV Rule at Glen Canyon NRA

April 26, 2018 Sue Masica, Regional Director Intermountain Region, National Park Service 12795 Alameda Parkway Denver, CO 80225 Subject: Proposed Rule on Motor Vehicle Use, Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) 1024-AD93 Dear Ms. Masica: We, the undersigned, are former or current employees of the National Park Service (NPS) and active members of the Coalition to Protect

Success Story Update: NPS Announces plan for Modest Entrance Fee Increases

Success Story Update: NPS Announces Plan for Modest Entrance Fee Increases On April 4, 2018, we reported that the U.S. Department of the Interior appeared to be backing away from a plan to drastically increase entrance fees at 17 of the most popular national parks. The proposal was vigorously opposed by gateway communities, park visitors,

Scoping Comments on BLM Plan for Grand Staircase-Escalante NM

  Matt Betenson, Associate Monument Manager Bureau of Land Management Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and Kanab Field Office 669 South Highway 89 A, Kanab, UT 84741 April 13, 2018 RE: Public Scoping Comments for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Management Planning Dear Mr. Betenson, The National Parks Conservation Association and the Coalition to Protect America’s National

NPS Proposes Irresponsible Increase in OHV Use at Glen Canyon NRA

  April 12, 2018 William Shott, Superintendent Glen Canyon National Recreation Area P.O. Box 1507 Page, Arizona 86040 Subject: Proposed Rule on Motor Vehicle Use, Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) 1024-AD93 Dear Superintendent Shott: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,500 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit


Lance Porter, District Manager 365 North Main P.O. Box 7 Monticello, UT 84535 April 11, 2018 Re: Bears Ears National Monument Management Plan Scoping Comments Dear Mr. Porter: The National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks submits the following scoping comments regarding the development of Monument Management Plans for the

Coalition Thanks Congress for Passage of 2018 Consolidated Appropriations Act

  Dear Chairs and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Interior Appropriations Committees, The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks extends its thanks for your efforts in passing the FY 2018 Consolidated Appropriations Act.  The Coalition consists of over 1,500 retired, former, and current National Park Service employees with over 35,000 years of collective

Success Story: Interior Department Drops Outrageous Entrance Fee Proposal

Success Story: Interior Department Drops Outrageous Entrance Fee Proposal Multiple news sources report that the U.S. Department of the Interior is backing away from a plan to dramatically increase entrance fees at 17 of the most popular national parks after receiving more than 100,000 public comments from Americans nearly unanimously opposed to the idea. The apparent decision

Coalition Statement on “Made in America” Advisory Committee

March 28, 2018 The Coalition is troubled by the membership of Secretary Zinke’s “Made in America” Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee. While the mission of this advisory group is clear, to gather advice from those who represent the recreation industry, we believe it is critical to balance the biases of those who seek to expand development

Portland Press Herald: Former Acadia superintendent: Trump’s proposed budget cuts threaten national parks

  “Under Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts, the dual mission of the National Park Service – providing for public use and enjoyment while protecting park resources and values, now and for future generations – will most certainly suffer.” Click here to read the op-ed from Coalition Executive Council member, Sheridan Steele, on Trump’s proposed budget

CPANP Statement on Trump’s FY 19 Budget and Infrastructure Plan

February 12, 2018 Statement from CPANP Chair Phil Francis on Trump’s FY 19 Budget and Infrastructure Plan “Our national parks face real and significant challenges that threaten the integrity of the national park system. If the President and his Administration sincerely want to address these challenges, they must start by adequately funding them and developing

Interior Department’s Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing Plan is Irresponsible

February 12, 2018 Ms. Kelly Hammerle, Chief National Oil and Gas Leasing Program Development and Coordination Branch Leasing Division, Office of Strategic Resources Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (VAM-LD) 45600 Woodland Road Sterling, VA 20166-9216 Subject: 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program Dear Ms. Hammerle: I am writing to you

Coalition Comments on Ambler Road Project at Gates of the Arctic NP

January 29, 2018 Greg Dudgeon, Superintendent Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve 4175 Geist Rd Fairbanks AK 99709 Subject: Ambler Mining Industrial Access Project, Environmental and Economic Impact Analysis (EEA) Dear Superintendent Dudgeon: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,400 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition),

Interior Proposes to Weaken Offshore Oil and Gas Safety Requirements

January 29, 2018 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Attention: Regulations Development Branch 45600 Woodland Road, VAE-ORP Sterling VA 20166 Subject: Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Production Safety Systems – Revisions, RIN 1014-AA37 Dear Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE): I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,400 members of the

Coalition Press Release on National Park Service Advisory Board Resignations

January 17, 2018 Administration’s Anti-Park Agenda Results in Secretary’s Advisory Board Resignations  The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks is deeply disheartened at the resignation of 9 of the 12 members of the National Park System Advisory Board (Board).  “After playing such an active and instrumental role in the planning of the highly successful National

Washington Post: Nearly all members of National Park Service advisory panel resign in frustration

  Nearly all the members of the National Park Service Advisory Board resigned, citing frustration that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke had refused to meet with them or convene a single meeting last year. The resignation of nine out of 12 NPSAB members leaves the federal government without a functioning body to designate national historic or natural landmarks. Click

Salon: Trump’s Interior secretary wages war on “deep state”: his own staff

  The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks strongly believes that Secretary Zinke’s proposed reorganization of the Department of Interior lacks transparency and threatens our national parks. Click here to read an article in Salon, which features a quote from the Coalition’s Chair, Phil Francis, explaining that the proposed changes will weaken oversight of our

Recent Court Ruling Raises Questions about Delisting of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

January 4, 2018 Public Comments Processing ATTN: FWS-R6-ES-2017-0089 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS: BPHC 5275 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, Virginia 22041-3803 Subject: Possible Effects of Court Decision on Grizzly Bear Recovery in Conterminous United States Dear U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,400 members of the