Coalition Comments on DOI-BLM Federal Pipeline Unit Wells

The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, National Parks Conservation Association, Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, and Center for Biological Diversity (collectively “SUWA”) submitted comments on the DOI-BLM Federal Pipeline Unit Wells located in the Colorado Plateau. In short, the Environmental Assessment failed to analyze cumulative impacts of reasonably foreseeable oil and gas wells in the Uinta

Coalition Condemns Trump Administration’s Changes to Endangered Species Act

  “The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is incredibly effective at saving plants, animals, and insects, from extinction. And it has widespread public support from the American people. Despite its success and popularity, the Trump administration has weakened the act and put countless species in danger of extinction. This administration continues to disregard the importance of

Coalition Joins Partners in Opposition to DOI Reorganization

The Coalition recently signed on to a letter, written in partnership with other conservation groups and sent to Congressional leadership, expressing deep concern about the administration’s reorganization of the Department of the Interior, the threat of which has become even more ominous with the announcement of the relocation of the Bureau of Land Management headquarters