Every year, Congress makes decisions that impact our national parks and public lands… and these decisions impact you. We need your help to reach out to members of Congress and advocate for these precious resources. Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. We put together an advocacy toolkit to help you reach out to policymakers and join in the fight to protect our parks.
Coalition Urges Training for Employees on Ethics Standards with Donors and Partner Organizations
The Coalition has sent a letter to Acting Director Dan Smith on the necessity of establishing a training program in regards to employee relations with donors and partners. To read our letter, click “Read More”.
Groups File Reply Brief in Appeal of BLM’s Eagle Crest Decision
The Coalition, NPCA, Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club have jointly filed a reply brief with the Interior Department Board of Land Appeals as part of their challenge to BLM’s decision to grant a right-of-way for the Eagle Crest Pumped Storage Project near Joshua Tree National Park. Click “Read More” to see the reply brief.
Joint Letter to Congress Urging the Reauthorization and Funding of the LWCF
Congress has failed to reauthorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), despite widespread public support for our nation’s primary source for preserving nationally significant public lands and providing recreational opportunities in communities across the country. As the Voice of Experience, we know firsthand how important the LWCF is to national parks and other public lands. Click “Read More” to read our letter to Congress, sent in partnership with those who have worked for the US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife, and the Bureau of Land Management.
CPANP Urges Congress to Suspend Action on H.R. 6687
The Coalition has sent a letter to Senators Murkowski and Cantwell to urge suspension of further action on H.R. 6687, a bill that would circumvent established processes and mandate that the National Park Service issue long-term leases to continue commercial cattle ranching operations in Point Reyes National Seashore and the northern portion of Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Coalition Voices Concern about Atlantic Coast Pipeline
The Coalition sent a letter to Acting Director, Dan Smith, voicing our concern about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the permit granted by the NPS to allow the natural gas pipeline to cross the Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Click “Read More” to read our full letter.
NPS EA for Proposed Alaska Hunting Rule Change is Deeply Flawed
A National Park Service environmental assessment (EA) fundamentally fails to take a hard look at the potential impacts of a proposed rule change that would open Alaska’s national preserves to a variety of controversial and unsportsmanlike hunting practices that target predator species. Click “Read More” to see the Coalition’s comments on the EA.
National Parks Can’t Afford EPA’s So-called Affordable Clean Energy Rule
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) proposed repeal of the 2015 Clean Power Plan rule would roll back robust air emission standards for existing coal-fired power plants. The 2015 rule would be replaced with much weaker requirements under the EPA’s proposed Affordable Clean Energy rule. Click “Read more” to see the joint comment letter submitted to the EPA by the Coalition and 79 other groups.