Coalition Participates in Telepresser on the 2008 “Utah 77” Oil and Gas Leases On December 20, 2017, Coalition member and former NPS Utah State Coordinator Cordell Roy participated in a nation-wide telephonic press conference (telepresser) with members of the news media press to commemorate the anniversary of the “Utah 77” oil and gas leases that
Success Story: BLM Defers Leasing Oil and Gas Parcel Near Theodore Roosevelt NP
Success Story: BLM Defers Leasing Oil and Gas Parcel Near Theodore Roosevelt NP In a terse one-paragraph statement, on December 14, 2017 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced its decision to defer (i.e., postpone until a future date) leasing an oil and gas parcel on the boundary of the North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt
CPANP Approves New Strategic Plan for 2018-2020
STRATEGIC PLAN COALITION TO PROTECT AMERICA’S NATIONAL PARKS 2018-2020 Who We Are The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition) was established in 2003. It is an advocacy organization comprised of over 1400 retired, former and current employees of the National Park Service (NPS). It uses its 35,000 years of “voices of experience” to protect
Testimony Before the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Natural Resources
Statement of Denis P. Galvin Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Natural Resources United States House of Representatives “Transforming the Department of the Interior for the 21st Century” December 7, 2017 Mr. Chairman and members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today
Member OP-ED: Preserve national parks. This land is your land, Florida
As the former Superintendent of Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Parks, I have a deep appreciation for the natural wonders Florida has to offer. And so after 32 years with the National Park Service, I’ve dedicated my retirement to standing up for America’s outdoor heritage. I want to ensure that these treasures are around
Coalition Nominates Deny Galvin for Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee
November 17, 2017 Terry Austin, Associate Director for Business Services National Park Service, Office of Business Services 1849 C Street NW., MS 2717 Washington, DC 20240 Subject: Nomination of Denis P. Galvin for “Made in America” Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee Dear Ms. Austin: I am writing to you on behalf of the
Comments on Proposed Targeted Fee Increases at 17 National Parks
Read this as a PDF November 13, 2017 Christine Williamson National Park Service 1849 C Street, NW Mail Stop: 2346 Washington, DC 20240 Subject: Comments on Proposed Targeted Fee Increases at 17 National Parks Dear Ms. Williamson: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,400 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s
Coalition Urges Preservation of the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive Program
In a letter to the members of the House Ways & Means Committee, the Coalition requested that the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program be retained in a reformed tax code when Congress considers H.R. 1, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act. The introduced bill fails to include this vital federal tax incentive – a proven tool that creates local jobs, preserves historic buildings and returns more to the Treasury than it costs.
Coalition Comments on Proposed Oil and Gas Leasing Near Theodore Roosevelt NP
The Coalition and the National Parks Conservation Association have submitted a joint comment letter to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) expressing concerns about proposed oil and gas leasing along the boundary of the North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Click “Read More” to see our letter to the BLM.
Fee Increase by Administration Goes Too Far The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks
The administration’s proposal for a massive fee increase in 17 national parks, including Yellowstone, Yosemite, Arches and Rocky Mountain, goes too far and may have major implications on park visitation and the economies of gateway communities. The fee increases are part of an effort to address the deferred maintenance backlog in the NPS, but the money raised will only cover a small percentage of the billions of dollars required. While creative solutions are required to solve this problem, the proposal as it stands does not adequately address it. Click “Read More” for more information.
Bakersfield Californian: Maintenance, repairs greatly needed in our national parks
Executive Council member, Dave Graber, spoke out in his local newspaper, the Bakersfield Californian, about the significant need to address the NPS maintenance backlog. Graber says, “Congress has a chance to turn the maintenance backlog around. If passed, the bipartisan National Park Legacy Act (S.751/H.R.2584) will ensure that there is dedicated funding for park maintenance in each year’s budget.” Click “Read More” to read Dave’s editorial.
NYT: Drilling Near Dinosaur National Monument Draws Criticism
The Coalition spoke out against drilling rights near Dinosaur National Monument. Executive Council member, Mike Murray, described them as “indefensible,” and part of a new wave of “signs and signals” about the administration’s policy intentions. Click “Read More” for more information.
Over 350 Coalition Members Sign On & Express Disappointment in Zinke’s Monument Review
This fall, over 350 former employees of the National Park Service joined the Coalition’s sign-on letter expressing extreme disappointment with the results of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s recent review of national monuments. The recommendations from Zinke – which included downsizing several monuments – came at the conclusion of an unprecedented 4-month review of over two-dozen monuments designated since 1996, which was initiated by an April Executive Order from President Trump. Efforts by the Trump Administration to remove protections from national monuments or significantly downsize them would be unprecedented and are likely to be met with a quagmire of legal challenges. Click “Read More” to read the letter sent to Secretary Ryan Zinke.
Coalition Statement on NPS Work Environment Survey
In response to the NPS Work Environment Survey, the Coalition released a statement expressing our concern on the results and our cautious optimism of the first steps that have been taken to address the far reaching harassment issues in the service. The NPS’s future success depends on taking comprehensive and effective steps to make cultural changes in the workplace. The first steps that have been taken are positive, but it must be a long-term and continuous strategy to make an impact.
Over 350 Coalition Members Sign On & Express Disappointment in Zinke’s Monument Review
October 17, 2017 The Honorable Ryan Zinke, Secretary U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20240 Subject: Executive Order 13792 (National Monument Review) Dear Secretary Zinke: We are writing to you on behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition). With over 1,400 members, the Coalition is composed entirely
Coalition Statement on Congressman Bishop’s Bill to Weaken the Antiquities Act
House Natural Resource Committee Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) has introduced legislation that would dismantle key provisions of the Antiquities Act, which has been used by Republican and Democratic presidents alike to protect some of America’s most iconic and beloved parks and public lands. Click “Read More” to see our statement opposing the bill.
Member OP-ED: Coalition’s letter to the editor of the Helena (MT) Independent Record
Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s recent claim that 30 percent of department employees are “not loyal to the flag” is not only ludicrous but also deeply insulting to the hundreds of dedicated Interior employees who live and work in Zinke’s home state of Montana. Click “Read More” to see the Coalition’s letter to the editor of the Helena (MT) Independent Record.
Coalition Statement on Executive Order 13792 (National Monument Review)
Today, we learned that the Trump Administration may be preparing to remove protections for millions of acres of public lands and oceans that were designated as national monuments under the authority of the Antiquities Act. This initiative is unprecedented, ill-advised and unlikely to withstand legal scrutiny. The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks has already voiced our support for the protection and preservation of the monuments that were subject to this review. From the beginning of this review process, it seemed obvious that
Coalition Joins In Strongly Opposing H.R. 3354
Sept 13, 2017 Dear Member of Congress, On behalf of our millions of members and supporters nationwide, we write in strong opposition to H.R. 3354, the Fiscal Year 2018 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations bill (“Make America Secure and Prosperous Act, 2018”). Due to funding cuts, environmentally damaging policy riders, and the bill’s
Coalition Participates in Telepresser on Oil & Gas Development
In August 2017, three Coalition members participated in a telepresser with members of the press focused on oil & gas development around national parks. This call was held to urge Secretary Zinke, DOI and BLM not to lease lands next to any national monuments or national parks, and instead ensure that the lands around our
Coalition Comments on Zinke’s Statement About Contracting Out Services in Parks
The Coalition is concerned regarding Secretary Zinke’s stated desire to contract out some services in various parks. We are especially concerned about the reported focus on potential outsourcing of campground management. Please click “Read More” to see our letter to Secretary Zinke.
Coalition Comments on Secretary Zinke’s Review of 27 National Monuments
After a serving only a few months as Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke is conducting a problematic review that will determine the fate of 27 national monuments. Whatever Mr. Zinke decides will inevitably define his legacy as the chief steward of America’s public lands. Click “Read More” to see our comment letter to the Secretary.
Coalition Statement on President’s Budget
The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks is alarmed at the extent the National Park Service’s budget will be reduced should the President’s budget be adopted. While we have not seen how the Interior Department’s overall 11.7% cut will be allocated between agencies within Interior, should a cut of that magnitude be levied against the NPS and its parks, there will by widespread reductions in programs, operating hours, seasonal and permanent staff, and visitor services.
Coalition Opposes BLM Oil & Gas Leasing Near Zion National Park
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to issue leases in June 2017 for oil and gas development on parcels less than two miles from the west boundary of Zion National Park. Click “Read More” to see our comment letter to BLM.