Success Story – Federal Court Blocks Cadiz Water Project in the California Desert By Mark Butler A controversial plan to extract billions of gallons of groundwater from beneath the Mojave Desert in California has been blocked by a federal judge, who ruled the review of the project by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under
Coalition Joins Support for NPF Reauthorization Act
September 19, 2022 Dear Members of the Senate Energy Natural Resources Committee, We, the members of the National Parks Second Century Action Coalition, write in support of the National Park Foundation Reauthorization Act of 2022 and urge the committee to swiftly move the bill and ensure final passage. National parks unite our country as evidenced
Coalition Joins Support for Supplemental NPS Disaster Recovery Funding
September 19, 2022 Dear Senators Schumer, McConnell, Leahy and Shelby and Representatives Pelosi, McCarthy, DeLauro and Granger, We, the members of the National Parks Second Century Action Coalition, urge inclusion of at least $1.7 billion in disaster relief for our national parks in the next FY23 spending bill. The extent of this year’s natural disasters