Coalition Applauds Biden’s Executive Actions on Climate Crisis

  Moments ago, President Biden took bold executive action by signing a slate of executive orders that would help to protect America’s national parks and public lands and tackle the climate crisis. Specifically, the president ordered a pause on new oil and gas leasing on federal land and laid out a ten-year goal of conserving

Coalition Supports Halt On New Oil and Gas Drilling On Public Lands and Waters

1.25.2021 The Honorable Joseph R. Biden President of the United States The Honorable Debra Haaland Secretary-designate Department of the Interior Dear President Biden and Secretary-designate Haaland, Congratulations on your election victory. We look forward to working with you to preserve and protect America’s national parks. We are writing on behalf of over 1,800 members of

Coalition Files Join Amicus Brief in Opposition to Rollback Rule

  The Clean Air Act’s program of pollution reduction also seeks to protect natural resources and ecosystems, including those conserved by national parks. The Act generally directs the EPA to take regulatory action to reduce air pollution where emissions would endanger “public health and welfare.” Moreover, the CAA explicitly protects the unique vulnerability of national

Coalition Strongly Opposes National Garden of American Heroes

  1.22.21 Ms. Shannon Estenoz Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Department of the Interior Washington, D.C. 20240 Dear Deputy Assistant Secretary Estenoz, We are writing on behalf of over 1,800 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, or current employees

Coalition Applauds Federal Mask Mandate

January 22, 2021 Media Contact: Emily Thompson, Em************@pr********.org, 202-758-3936 Coalition Applauds Federal Mask Mandate President Biden recently signed an Executive Order that requires all federal employees and contractors, as well as visitors, to wear masks in federal buildings and on federal lands. It also directs those on federal property to maintain physical distance, and adhere

NPCA and Coalition Submit Recommendations on GAOA and Deferred Maintenance Implementation

  Great American Outdoors Act: Deferred Maintenance Implementation Considerations and Recommendations January 2021 The Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) was an extraordinary accomplishment for repairing and conserving our national parks. It is critical that implementation of the law is successful to ensure wise, efficient, transparent use of federal dollars; to meet congressional intent; and to

Second Century Action Coalition Releases Priorities for National Parks

Priorities for the National Parks Second Century Action Coalition For more than a century, our national parks have remained America’s favorite places, important pieces of our natural and cultural heritage set aside for future generations to explore and enjoy. In 2019, 328 million park visitors spent an estimated $21 billion in local gateway communities while

Coalition Signs On to Letter Regarding Proposed Point Reyes GMP

Center for Biological Diversity * Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks * Sierra Club * Environmental Action Committee of West Marin (EAC) * Marin Audubon Society * Resource Renewal Institute * National Parks Conservation Association * Save Our Seashore * Action for Animals * Alameda Creek Alliance * * Animal Legal Defense Fund * Animals Are Sentient

Coalition Files Another FOIA Request for COVID-19 Infection Numbers in NPS

  January 19, 2021 Charis Wilson, FOIA Officer, P.O. Box 25287 12795 W. Alameda Parkway Denver, CO 80225 Subject: Freedom of Information Act Request Dear Ms. Wilson: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Improvement Act of 2016 (Public Law No. 114-185) submitted on behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks.

Coalition Requests Extended Comment Period for Spaceport Camden

January 14, 2021 Ms. Kelie Moore Federal Consistency Coordinator Georgia Department of Natural Resources Coastal Resources Division One Conservation Way Suite 300 Brunswick, GA 31520-8687 RE: Proposed Coastal Consistency Determination for Spaceport Camden Dear Ms. Moore: On behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, Georgia Audubon, the Georgia Conservancy, the National Park Conservation Association, One