On August 18 the Coalition submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the NPS regarding the closure of portions of Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial on August 17 to allow for filming of a Republican Campaign advertisement featuring Vice President Mike Pence. A copy of our request can be found HERE. The NPS recently responded
Member Oped: Great American Outdoors Act is worth celebrating, especially in Maine
In a year full of unexpected challenges and extreme partisanship, I am particularly grateful for a cause for celebration. The recent Great American Outdoors Act has provided just such an opportunity. With an eye on the future, both houses of Congress have passed legislation recognizing the importance of preserving and protecting our irreplaceable natural
Coalition Comments on Proposed Changes to Concessions Regulations
September 9, 2020 Subject: Commercial Visitor Services – Concession Contracts Proposed Rule – National Park Service, RIN 1024-AE57 Commercial Services Program National Park Service 1849 C Street, N.W., Mail Stop 2410 Concessions Contracts Revised Rule Comments Washington, D.C. 20240 I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,800 members of the Coalition to Protect