Congress’ failure to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) will have long-reaching and devastating impacts for communities across the United States. The LWCF has been our nation’s primary source for preserving nationally significant public lands and providing recreational opportunities in local communities throughout the country for over 50 years. The Coalition urges Congress to fully fund and permanently reauthorize the LWCF without delay.
Federal Court Overturns Delisting of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears
In a ruling widely applauded by Native American tribes and conservation groups, a U.S. District Court judge in Montana has restored federal protections to about 700 grizzly bears living in and around Yellowstone National Park. For more information, click “Read More”
Coalition Opposes Weakening Endangered Species Act Regulations
The Coalition has joined 56 other conservation groups in signing a joint comment letter strongly opposing the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s and National Marines Fisheries Service’s proposed revisions to the Endangered Species Act’s implementing regulations. Click “Read More” to see the letter.
Coalition Condemns Cynical Proposal to Repeal NPS Alaska Hunting Regulations
At the direction of the Interior Department, the National Park Service has issued a proposed rule that would open Alaska’s national preserves to controversial and unsportsmanlike hunting practices such as: killing black bear cubs and sows with cubs at den sites; shooting brown bears at bait stations; and killing wolves with pups during the denning season. Click “Read More” to see the Coalition’s comments on the proposed rule.
Time is running out for America’s most important parks program
Coalition Chair, Phil Francis, penned an op-ed in The Hill discussing the urgency of LWCF reauthorization before expiration on September 30th. Click “Read More” to read the article.
Martin: Protect vital Land and Water Conservation Fund
Coalition member Dick Martin wrote an op-ed in the Bakersfield Californian about the necessity of reauthorizing LWCF. Click “Read More” to read the article.
Florida legislators, step up and save the Land and Water Conservation Fund
Read Executive Council member, Dick Ring’s op-ed in the Sun-Sentinel, urging Florida legislators to reauthorize LWCF. Click “Read More” to read the article.
Coalition Voices “Process” Concerns About Proposed NPS Repeal of Alaska Hunting Regulations
In May 2018, the National Park Service (NPS) published a proposed rule that would repeal a 2015 regulation that prohibits a number of controversial hunting and trapping methods from occurring on National Preserves in Alaska. Despite the high level of public opposition to the proposed repeal, NPS has yet to release a NEPA analysis of its impacts. Click “Read More” to see the Coalition’s letter to the NPS.
The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Joins in IBLA Appeal to Protect Joshua Tree National Park
The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks along with the National Parks Conservation Association, the Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club have submitted an appeal to the Interior Board of Land Appeals for the August 1, 2018 Decision issued by the California State Office, Bureau of Land Management which granted a right of
The Hill: Visit a national park to see the real impacts of climate change
Dear EPA, visit a national park to see the real impacts of climate change The nation’s top environmental watchdog, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under the Trump administration, recently proposed a new rule to replace the Clean Power Plan, which would have significantly reduced air pollution from coal plants and helped curb future climate disasters.
The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Joins in IBLA Appeal to Protect Joshua Tree National Park
The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks along with the National Parks Conservation Association, the Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club have submitted an appeal to the Interior Board of Land Appeals for the August 1, 2018 Decision issued by the California State Office, Bureau of Land Management which granted a right of