March 22, 2022 Nancy Vehr Administrator Air Quality Division Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality 200 West 17th Street Cheyenne, WY 82002 Comments submitted via Wyoming’s system: Re: Conservation Organizations’ Comments on Wyoming’s Proposed State Implementation Plan Regional Haze Round Two Dear Ms. Vehr: The National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, Powder River Basin Resource Council, and Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (“Conservation Organizations”) submit the following comments and attached expert reports1 regarding Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s (“WYDEQ”) Proposed State Implementation Plan Regional Haze Round Two (“Proposed SIP”), dated February 18, 2022.2 The Exhibits to these comments were submitted to the drop box shared by WYDEQ.3 The Conservation Organizations regret that WYDEQ failed to provide the extension requested to submit comments on the Proposed SIP.








March 22, 2022

Nancy Vehr Administrator
Air Quality Division
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality 200 West 17th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Re: Conservation Organizations’ Comments on Wyoming’s Proposed State Implementation Plan Regional Haze Round Two

Dear Ms. Vehr:

The National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, Powder River Basin Resource Council, and Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks submit the following comments and attached expert reports1 regarding Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s Proposed State Implementation Plan Regional Haze Round Two, dated February 18, 2022.

Read the comments here (PDF).