November 5, 2020

Charis Wilson, FOIA Officer
P.O. Box 25287 12795 W. Alameda Parkway
Denver, CO 80225

Subject: Freedom of Information Act Request

Dear Ms. Wilson:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Improvement Act of 2016 (Public Law No. 114-185) submitted on behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks. This request relates directly to the National Park Service list(s) of properties to be purchased using the Land and Water Conservation Fund for FY 2021 and beyond. We assume this list of proposed land acquisitions using the Land and Water Conservation Fund has been or is about to be submitted to Congress.

Many of America’s national parks have private properties that the National Park Service is mandated to acquire. This is sometimes referred to as “filling in the holes” and therefore these acquisitions are not expanding the parks but rather completing them as specified in the park’s enabling legislation. It is these parcels that contain natural and cultural resources that the National Park Service is charged with protecting for present and future generations.

Based on the simplicity of this request, we do not anticipate there would be processing fees.

I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

1) The National Park Service list of proposed land acquisitions using the Land and Water Conservation Fund for FY 2021, and beyond if applicable, which has been or is about to be submitted to Congress.

In the event that there are processing fees, to determine my status with regard to fees you should know that I am the Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition). The Coalition is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to study, educate, speak, and act for the preservation and protection of the National Park System and mission-related programs of the National Park Service. I have no commercial interest in this request. Disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in my commercial interest. Having such information will enable the Coalition to more effectively communicate and advocate for the protection of park resources and the public’s opportunities to use and enjoy our national parks.

Given the scope and nature of this request, we would appreciate a timely response. Thank you for your consideration.


Phil Francis Signature



Philip A. Francis, Jr., Chair
Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks

Margaret Everson, Counselor to the Secretary Exercising the Delegated Authority of the Director
Michael Caldwell, Acting NPS Associate Director for Park Planning, Facilities and Lands
Charis Wilson, FOIA Officer, National Park Service