March 28, 2018 The Coalition is troubled by the membership of Secretary Zinke’s “Made in America” Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee. While the mission of this advisory group is clear, to gather advice from those who represent the recreation industry, we believe it is critical to balance the biases of those who seek to expand development
National Parks Magazine: Reporting for Duty
The Spring 2018 edition of NPCA’s magazine features an article on the Coalition’s Weekly National Park System Report and its editor and Coalition member, Bill Halainen. Click here to read about the return of the ‘Morning Report’.
Success Story: BLM Defers Oil and Gas Lease Sale Near Chaco Culture NHP
Success Story: BLM Defers Oil and Gas Lease Sale Near Chaco Culture NHP On Friday, March 2, 2018, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke has directed the BLM to defer its scheduled Farmington New Mexico Field Office oil and gas lease sale so the agency can complete