2016 CPANP Letterhead Logo

Colonial National Historical Park – James River Transmission Line Proposal

The Coalition has joined the fight in opposing Dominion Virginia Power’s proposed new high-voltage transmission line across the James River near historic Jamestown. The proposal includes 17 huge transmission towers, as tall as the Statue of Liberty and topped with flashing red lights, that would cross the river within view from various historic properties. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the permitting authority for the proposal and has not yet decided what level of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance is needed to evaluate the potential impacts of the project. Recent Coalition actions have included: writing the decision-maker at USACE to oppose the project; and joining forces with conservation and historic preservation groups to support legislation in the Virginia House of Delegates that would better protect historic resources by strengthening the State’s requirements related to approval of new high voltage transmission lines. The Coalition will continue to monitor the issue and collaborate with like-minded organizations to advocate for the preservation of the scenic vistas surrounding the site of America’s first permanent English colony.