Op-Ed: This Is No Time To Give Up On America’s National Treasures

There is no denying that many of America’s national parks and historic places are in disrepair today or offering shortened visitor hours, fewer interpretive guides, and other services that should make a visit to one of our national crown jewels a special experience. This is a tragedy, but it is no reason to give up on preserving more of what makes America unique.

Op-Ed: “The most beautiful places on earth: Our public parks and open space”

“With the LWCF expiring in less than 100 days, Congress must act to ensure that future generations have access to healthy outdoor recreation resources. Debate in Congress raises fears that it will fail to continue this valuable program. Congress is failing to demonstrate the kind of overwhelming bipartisan support for conservation and recreation that led to the creation of the Fund 50 years ago and the protection of so many important areas throughout the nation. It’s time for Congress to reauthorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund.”

Please Oppose H.R. 399, The “Secure Our Borders First Act Of 2015″

On behalf of the millions of Americans represented by our organizations, we write to strongly oppose H.R. 399, the “Secure Our Borders First Act of 2015,” in particular Section 3, “Operational Control of the Border,” and Section 13, “Prohibition on Actions that Impede Border Security on Certain Federal Land.” Under the guise of enhancing border security, Section 3 would further militarize natural areas and communities already glutted with border walls, roads and towers; Section 13 would undermine fundamental environmental and conservation laws and would allow further damage to the fragile border environment and the people and communities dependent upon it.