Summary of National Park and Related Laws: Enacted in the 117th Congress

117th Congress
January 3, 2021 – January 3, 2023
National Park and Related Laws

New park units

P.L. 117–106, to establish the Amache National Historic Site in the State of Colorado as a unit of the National Park System (upon the acquisition of sufficient lands to make a manageable park unit). Signed on March 18, 2022.

P.L. 117–206, to establish the Blackwell School National Historic Site in Marfa, TS (upon the acquisition of sufficient lands to make a manageable park unit). Signed on October 17, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to establish the New Philadelphia National Historic Site in IL (included as Sec. 601 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Park Name Changes

P.L. 117–123, to amend the Act entitled “Act to provide for the establishment of the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site in the State of Kansas, and for other purposes” to provide for inclusion of additional related sites in the National Park System. The bill changed the name of the park to Brown v. Board of Education National Historical Park, among other changes. Signed on May 12, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to redesignate Pullman National Monument as Pullman National Historical Park and establish its authorities in statute. (included as Sec. 619 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Park Boundary Revisions

P.L. 117–112, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the City of Eunice, Louisiana, certain Federal land in Louisiana. The law removes some parcels of land from the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve. Signed on April 19, 2022.

P.L. 117–123, to amend the Act entitled “Act to provide for the establishment of the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site in the State of Kansas, and for other purposes” to provide for inclusion of additional related sites in the National Park System. The bill included sites in SC and KS to the boundary of the park, among other changes. Signed on May 12, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to modify the boundary of Sunset Crater to include approximately 98 acres of Forest Service land that the NPS currently administers with its visitor center and administrative buildings (included as Sec. 611 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the addition of the Nystrom Elementary School building to the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front NHP, along with any other historic properties that meet designated criteria (included as Sec. 612 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to modify the boundary of the Cane River Creole NHP to include approximately 46 acres of the Magnolia Plantation that includes the main house and surrounding land, and which was not among the lands previously donated in 1997 (included as Sec. 614 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to modify the boundary of the Wilson’s Creek NB in MO to include the approximately 25-acre Newtonia Battlefield (included as Sec. 616 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the Secretary to acquire lands for visitor center and administrative purposes to be added to the boundary of Ste. Genevieve NHP in MO (included as Sec. 617 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the conveyance of land within the boundary of Acadia NP in ME for the construction of affordable park workforce housing and for administrative purposes of the park (included as Sec. 618 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the addition of approximately 200 acres of land to Palo Alto Battlefield NHP (included as Sec. 620 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Specific Park Authorizations

P.L. 117–328, to remove the land acquisition funding ceiling for the Lowell NHP (included as Sec. 122 of Division G of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey a right-of-way to allow the relocation of a main segment of a natural gas distribution pipeline along two roads within Valley Forge NHP (included as Sec. 306 of Title III of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to extend the authorization for the Cape Cod NS Advisory Commission through 2029 (included as Sec. 613 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to require the installation of a plaque in the area of the Ram Head Trail within Virgin Islands NP to commemorate the slave rebellion that began on St. John on November 23, 1733 (included as Sec. 621 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

National Heritage Areas

P.L. 117–43, to authorize continued appropriations for approximately 30 national heritage areas whose federal funding expired on September 30, 2021, or for areas that had reached their ceiling on federal appropriations (included as Section 135 of Division A of the Extending Government Funding and Delivering Emergency Assistance Act for FY 2022).  Signed on September 30, 2021.

P.L. 117–328, to increase grant ceiling amounts for various national heritage areas or to extend the time period for their authorization to be eligible for grant funds (included as Sec. 119 of Division G of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117-331, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study to assess the suitability and feasibility of designating certain land as the Great Dismal Swamp National Heritage Area. Signed on January 5, 2023.

P.L. 117-339, to standardize the designation of National Heritage Areas. Signed on January 5, 2023.  The law includes the following:

The establishment of the National Heritage Area System within the National Park Service.

Authorizes studies of the following potential national heritage areas:

  • Great Dismal Swamp, VA & NC
  • Kaena Point, Oahu, HI
  • Sites on the island of Guam

Designates the following new national heritage areas (NHA):

  • Alabama Black Belt NHA, AL
  • Bronzeville-Black Metropolis NHA, IL
  • Downeast Maine NHA, ME
  • Northern Neck NHA, VA
  • Croix NHA, St. Croix, VI
  • Southern Campaign of the Revolution National Heritage Corridor (NHC), NC & SC
  • Southern Maryland NHA, MD

Extends the authority of the following national heritage areas to receive not more than $1 million in federal funding in any fiscal year through September 30, 2037 and without regard to any previous spending ceiling:

  • Abraham Lincoln NHA
  • Atchafalaya NHA
  • Arabia Mountain NHA
  • Augusta Canal NHC
  • Baltimore NHA (the bill also modifies the boundary of this NHA)
  • Blue Ridge NHA
  • Cache la Poudre River NHA
  • Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership
  • Crossroads of the American Revolution NHA
  • Delaware and Lehigh NHC
  • Erie Canalway NHC
  • Essex NHA
  • Freedom’s Frontier NHA
  • Freedom’s Way NHA
  • Great Basin National Heritage Route
  • Gullah/Geechee NHC
  • Illinois and Michigan Canal NHC
  • John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley NHC
  • Journey Through Hallowed Ground NHA
  • Kenai Mountains – Turnagain Arm NHA
  • Lackawana Valley NHA
  • Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley NHA
  • Mississippi Delta NHA
  • Mississippi Hills NHA
  • Mormon Pioneer NHA
  • MotorCities NHA
  • Muscle Shoals NHA
  • National Aviation Heritage Area
  • National Coal Heritage Area
  • Niagara Falls NHA
  • Northern Plains NHA
  • Northern Rio Grande NHA
  • Ohio & Eric NHC
  • Oil Region NHA
  • Rivers of Steel NHA
  • Sangre de Cristo NHA
  • Schuylkill River Valley NHA
  • South Carolina NHC
  • South Park NHA
  • Tennessee Civil War Heritage Area
  • The America’s Agricultural Heritage Partnership
  • The Last Green Valley NHC
  • Upper Housatonic Valley NHA
  • Wheeling NHA
  • Yuma Crossing NHA

Increases the authorization of appropriations for the following national heritage areas:

  • Blue Ridge NHA from $14 to $16 million
  • Essex NHA from $20 to $22 million
  • Lackawana Valley NHA from $12 to $14 million
  • Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley NHA from $15 to $17 million
  • MotorCities NHA from $12 to $14 million
  • Ohio & Eric NHC from $17 to $19 million
  • Rivers of Steel NHA from $20 to $22 million
  • South Carolina NHC from $17 to $19 million
  • The America’s Agricultural Heritage Partnership from $17 to $19 million
  • The Last Green Valley NHC from $17 to $19 million
  • Wheeling NHA from $15 to $17 million

Redesignates the following national heritage areas:

  • The America’s Agricultural Heritage Partnership as the Silos & Smokestacks NHA
  • The Great Basin National Heritage Route as the Great Basin NHA

Extends the deadline to complete certain heritage area management plans by two years.

National Trails

P.L. 117–48, to designate the September 11th National Memorial Trail Route. Signed on October 13, 2021.

P.L. 117-345, to amend the National Trails System Act to designate the Butterfield Overland National Historic Trail. Signed on January 5, 2023.

P.L. 117–328, to designate the approximately 16.5-mile Chilkoot National Historic Trail in AK within the National Trails System. (included as Sec. 501 of Title V of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to designate the approximately 500-mile Alaska Long Trail from Seward to Fairbanks, AK for study for potential addition to the National Trails System. (included as Sec. 502 of Title V of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to designate the approximately 1,454-mile Buckeye Trail from Lake Erie to the Ohio River in OH for study for potential addition to the National Trails System (included as Sec. 503 of Title V of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Wild and Scenic Rivers

P.L. 117–328, to designate approximately 31 miles of the York River and its tributaries in ME as a recreational river. The river segments shall not be managed as a unit of the National Park System, but in accordance with the York River Watershed Stewardship Plan (included as Sec. 401 of Title IV of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to designate approximately 40.3 miles of the Housatonic in CT as scenic and recreational rivers. The river segments shall not be managed as a unit of the National Park System, but in accordance with the Housatonic River Management Plan (included as Sec. 402 of Title IV of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to designate approximately 50 miles of the Little Manatee River and its tributaries in FL for study for potential addition to the Wild and Scenic Rivers System (included as Sec. 403 of Title IV of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to designate segments of the Kissimmee River in FL from 16 miles downstream of Lake Kissimmee and ending 15 miles upstream of Okeechobee for study for potential addition to the Wild and Scenic Rivers System (included as Sec. 404 of Title IV of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

National Memorials, Lands, and Museums

P.L. 117–20, to designate the National Pulse Memorial located at 1912 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, 32806. The law specifies that the memorial shall not be a unit of the National Park System.  Signed on June 25, 2021.

P.L. 117–80, to authorize the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs. Signed on December 17, 2021.

P.L. 117–81, to authorize the National Global War on Terrorism Memorial to be located in the Reserve on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. (included as section 6605 of Title LXVI of Division F of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2022). Signed on December 27, 2021.

P.L. 117–140, to establish the Commission to Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture. Signed on June 13, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to designate the Kol Israel Foundation Holocaust Memorial in Bedford Heights, OH, as a national memorial. The memorial is not a unit of the national park system and federal funds may not be expended for any purpose related to the memorial (included as Sec. 701 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the Women Who Worked on the Home Front Foundation to establish a commemorative work on federal land within Washington, D.C., and its environs (included as Sec. 702 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to extend the authority through September 30, 2027 for the establishment of the National Liberty Memorial commemorative work on federal land within Washington, D.C., and its environs (included as Sec. 703 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the National Service Animals Monument Corporation to establish a commemorative work on federal land within Washington, D.C., and its environs (included as Sec. 704 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the Embassy of France in Washington, D.C., to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs to honor the extraordinary contributions of Jean Monnet to restoring peace between European nations and establishing the European Union (included as Sec. 705 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to designate the El Paso Community Healing Garden in El Paso, TX, as a national memorial. The memorial is not a unit of the national park system and federal funds may not be expended for any purpose related to the memorial (included as Sec. 706 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the Georgetown African American Historic Landmark Project and Tour to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs to commemorate the enslaved individuals who endured the Middle Passage (included as Sec. 707 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to approve the location of a memorial to commemorate the commitment of the United States to a free press by honoring journalists who sacrificed their lives in service to that cause in Area I within Washington D.C., and its environs (included as Sec. 708 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the Thomas Paine Memorial Association to establish a commemorative work in Washington, D.C., and its environs (included as Sec. 709 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to establish the Ukrainian Independence Park on land within Washington, D.C. (included as Sec. 710 of Title VII of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Affiliated Areas

P.L. 117–123, to amend the Act entitled “Act to provide for the establishment of the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site in the State of Kansas, and for other purposes” to provide for inclusion of additional related sites in the National Park System. The bill included sites in VA, DE, and DC as affiliated areas to the park, among other changes. Signed on May 12, 2022.

Natural Resource Authorities

P.L. 117–144, to require the Inter-Agency Task Force on Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia to develop a plan for reducing, mitigating, and controlling harmful algal blooms and hypoxia in South Florida Signed on June 16, 2022.

P.L. 117-263, the Water Resources Development Act for water projects throughout the country that could impact various national park units due to their location within or along the waterways affected by a specific project.  Additionally, Sec. 8501(b) of Title LXXXV amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to establish within the Environmental Protection Agency the Puget Sound Recovery National Program Office and the Puget Sound Federal Leadership Task Force among federal agencies to coordinate and implement activities toward the recovery.  The Secretary of the Interior is required to appoint a representative of the National Park Service to serve on this task force (included as Division H of the James N. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023). Signed on December 23, 2022.

P.L. 117-263, to reauthorize the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2002, with the National Park Service as one of the agencies authorized to undertake various activities related to the conservation of our nation’s coral reefs (included as Division J of the James N. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023). Signed on December 23, 2022.

P.L. 117-263, to reauthorize the Coast Guard, which includes Sec. 11305 of Subtitle A of Title CXIII that requires the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere to maintain and expand an ocean soundscape development program that would award grants to collect and analyze trends in the underwater soundscape to protect and manage marine life.  This program is required to coordinate with the National Park Service, and Sec. 11327 of Subtitle D of Title CXIII adds the National Park Service to the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (included as Division K of the James N. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023). Signed on December 23, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to require the Secretary of the Interior to carry out a 5-year pilot program to prioritize the use of native plant species within geographically diverse units of the National Park System and on public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management (included as Sec. 101 of Title I of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Cultural Resource Authorities

P.L. 117–328, to establish the United States African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program by the NPS and to provide grants and technical assistance for such purposes. (included as Sec. 643 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the Norman Y. Mineta Japanese American Confinement Education Grants program to educate individuals on the historical importance of Japanese American confinement during World War II (included as Sec. 644 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to establish the Japanese American World War II History Network within the NPS to review studies, disseminate educational materials, enter into cooperative agreements to provide technical assistance, adopt an official symbol for the network, and to join units and programs of the NPS concerning Japanese American confinement during World War II (included as Sec. 645 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Fee Authorities

P.L. 117–81, to authorize Gold Star families and veterans to receive a lifetime pass under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (included as Section 641 of Subtitle E of Title VI of Division A of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2022). Signed on December 27, 2021.

P.L. 117–328, to extend the Visitor Experience Improvement concessions authority of the National Park Service for an additional two years (included as Sec. 123 of Division G of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area to continue to charge fees for certain truck traffic in the park through September 30, 2026 (included as Sec. 124 of Division G of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to extend the fee authority of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act through October 1, 2024 (included as Sec. 421 of Division G of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area to continue to charge fees for certain truck traffic in the park through September 30, 2026 (included as Sec. 615 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023. This authority is duplicative of that mentioned above and found in Sec. 124 of Division G of the same act). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the waiver of an application fee for a special use permit for any veterans’ special event at a war memorial on land administered by the NPS in Washington, D.C. or its environs (included as Sec. 642 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Lands Authorities

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the Golden Gate National Recreation Area to grant to any state or local government, without charge, an easement or right-of-way over park land for operation and maintenance of the control and prevention of flooding or shoreline erosion (included as Sec. 444 of Division G of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to require the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture (through the Forest Service), to develop within two years of enactment, a multi-purpose cadastre (inventory) of federal real property under their jurisdiction to support federal land management activities on federal real property (included as Sec. 103 of Title I of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the NPS to acquire up to 20 acres of land in Frederick, MD, for purposes of supporting the Historic Preservation Training Center (included as Sec. 641 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Transportation Authorities

P.L. 117–44, to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, and transit programs The law includes a short-term extension through October 31, 2021, for the surface transportation programs of the federal government, including those that benefit the national park roads system. Signed on October 2, 2021.

P.L. 117–52, to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, and transit programs The law includes a short-term extension through December 3, 2021, for the surface transportation programs of the federal government, including those that benefit the national park roads system. Signed on October 31, 2021.

P.L. 117–58, to authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs   The two-part bill consists of the Biden administration’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act as well as a five-year reauthorization for federal highway programs. Signed on November 15, 2021.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize the so-called Long Bridge project, which is a conveyance of approximately 4 acres of NPS land for a railroad bridge crossing the Potomac River between Washington, D.C. and Virginia. The project includes both a pedestrian and bicycle bridge (included as Sec. 116 of Division G of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Miscellaneous Authorities

P.L. 117–114, to require the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works to digitize and make publicly available geographic information system mapping data relating to public access to Federal land and waters for outdoor recreation. Signed on April 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to reauthorize and increase from $5 million to $10 million the annual matching funds authorized for appropriation to the National Park Foundation to benefit parks and programs of the NPS (included as Sec. 646 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117-355, to amend title 38, U.S. Code, to address green burial sections in national cemeteries. Signed on January 5, 2023.

Special Resource Studies

P.L. 117–328, to authorize a study of the John P. Parker House in Ripley, OH as a potential unit of the national park system (included as Sec. 631 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize a study of Deerfield, a historically black agricultural settlement founded by Oliver Toussaint Jackson in CO, as a potential unit of the national park system (included as Sec. 632 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize a study of sites within 100 miles of Memphis, TN, including eight specified sites in which lynchings took place, as a potential unit of the national park system (included as Sec. 633 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

P.L. 117–328, to authorize a study of the coastline and adjacent areas to Santa Monica Bay from Will Rogers State Beach to Torrance Beach in CA, as a potential unit of the national park system (included as Sec. 634 of Title VI of Division DD of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023). Signed on December 29, 2022.

Appropriations for the National Park Service

P.L. 117–7, to prevent across-the-board direct spending cuts. This law ends the federal discretionary spending caps that have been in effect for the past decade.  Signed on April 14, 2021.

P.L. 117–40, to amend the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, to require the budget justifications and appropriation requests of agencies be made publicly available.  Signed on September 24, 2021.

P.L. 117–43, making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for providing emergency assistance. The law extends funding for federal agencies, including the Department of the Interior, through December 3, 2021. Signed on September 30, 2021.

P.L. 117-70, making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022.  The law extends appropriations for federal agencies, including the National Park Service, through February 18, 2022, or the passage of the annual Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, whichever occurs first. Signed on December 3, 2021.

P.L. 117–86, making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. The law provides continuing FY 2022 appropriations to federal agencies through the earlier of March 11, 2022, or the enactment of the applicable appropriations act. Signed on February 18, 2022.

P.L. 117–95, making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. This law extends funding for all federal agencies through March 15, 2022. Signed on March 11, 2022.

P.L. 117–103, making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for providing emergency assistance for the situation in Ukraine. This law provides funding for all federal agencies for the remainder of FY 22, including the National Park Service. Signed on March 15, 2022.

P.L. 117-169, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of S. Con. Res. 14. The law provides the NPS with additional funds to hire employees, to undertake deferred maintenance projects, and to address natural resource conservation programs. Signed on August 16, 2022.

P.L. 117–180, making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2023. The law extends funding for all federal agencies, including the National Park Service, through December 16, 2022. Signed on Sept. 30, 2022.

P.L. 117–229, making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023. The law extends federal funding for all federal agencies, including the National Park Service, through December 23, 2022.  Signed on December 16, 2022.

P.L. 117-264, to provide further continuing appropriations for FY 2023. The law extends funding for all federal agencies, including the National Park Service, through December 30, 2022. Signed on December 23, 2022.

P.L. 117-328, the Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY 2023.  The law provides annual appropriations for all federal agencies, including the National Park Service, along with many unrelated authorization bills from various committees in Congress, including several park and public lands bills. Signed on December 29, 2022.

Federal Commissions and Commemorations

P.L. 117–162, to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the National World War II Memorial in Washington, DC. All surcharges received from the sale of such coins shall be paid to the Friends of the National World War II Memorial to support the National Park Service in maintaining and repairing the memorial, and for educational and commemorative programs. Signed on August 3, 2022.

P.L 117–163, to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint commemorative coins in recognition of the Bicentennial of Harriet Tubman’s birth. All surcharges received by Treasury from the sale of such coins must be paid equally to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, and The Harriet Tubman Home, Inc. in Auburn, New York, for the purpose of accomplishing and advancing their missions. Signed on August 3, 2022.

 Federal Employees

P.L. 117–2, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of S. Con. Res. 5.  This legislation is the Biden administration’s effort to address the Covid-19 crisis and the resulting economic impact to our country, and includes specific provisions to assist federal employees and retirees.  Signed on March 11, 2021.

P.L. 117–225, to permit disabled law enforcement officers, customs and border protection officers, firefighters, air traffic controllers, nuclear materials couriers, members of the Capitol Police, members of the Supreme Court Police, employees of the Central Intelligence Agency performing intelligence activities abroad or having specialized security requirements, and diplomatic security special agents of the Department of State to receive retirement benefits in the same manner as if they had not been disabled. Signed on December 9, 2022.