In pursuit of its vision, the Coalition studies, educates, speaks, and acts for the preservation and protection of the National Park System and mission-related programs of the National Park Service (NPS). The Coalition is an active and respectful partner with the National Park Service and other like-minded organizations. As the National Park Service has entered its second century, the Coalition actively and creatively seeks to strengthen the long-term foundation of the Service and the National Park System.

We are men and women of the National Park Service, joining together to support the NPS mission, working to protect the parks and ensure their survival for generations to come. Coalition members now strive to apply their credibility and integrity as they continue to support the NPS Mission, NPS employees and speak out for national park solutions that uphold the law and apply sound science.

We are retirees with decades of experience and we are active employees out on the front lines every day. We are protection rangers and interpreters, scientists and maintenance workers, managers and administrators, and specialists in the full spectrum of the parks’ resources. Our membership includes former National Park Service directors, deputy directors, regional directors, and park superintendents.

If you are a current or former NPS employee, permanent or seasonal, please join us in our work– your help is needed now more than ever. We welcome Volunteers-In-Parks, and Supporters, too, as associate members, recognizing the important role volunteers fulfill across the system. Learn how to join us ->

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