Please Help Us Continue Supporting the NPS Mission, Parks, and Employees

We are a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. The Campaign’s tax identification number is 20-2002652.

Your donation will help the Coalition continue our work to support the NPS mission, the parks, and NPS employees.

Make a monetary donation:

  • Give a gift in honor or memory of someone
  • Support a special program with a donation
  • Make a bequest
  • Leave a legacy

The Coalition Offers Many Ways For You To Contribute


To donate using PayPal and a credit card – after clicking the yellow Donate button below:

A new browser window will open on the PayPal website.

Click the second button labeled “Donate with Debit or Credit Card.”


Donate Using PayPal



Donor-Advised Fund

The Coalition uses Chariot DAFpay to make giving with a Donor-Advised Fund easy, fast, and seamless. Click the DAF Button below to use this method.


Leave a Legacy for our National Parks

Continue your commitment to protecting our parks by making a charitable donation through your will or trust.

Many national park supporters choose to preserve our parks for future generations by leaving a legacy gift in their will or trust. Gifts towards the Coalition Legacy Fund will support our mission to use our voices of experience to preserve our most precious places.


If you prefer, you can mail a tax-deductible check payable to:

The Coalition To Protect America’s National Parks
2 Massachusetts Ave NE
Unit 77436
Washington, DC 20013


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