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Release Date: April 12, 2024
Media Contact: Emily Thompson

Coalition Celebrates New Oil and Gas Rule

Today, the Department of the Interior (DOI) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced a final rule to revise BLM oil and gas leasing regulations, which will help to reform the federal oil and gas leasing program and better protect public lands, wildlife, and taxpayers. 

Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, issued the following statement:

We thank the Biden administration for taking necessary action to help safeguard our national parks, public lands, and surrounding landscapes from irresponsible oil and gas development.

This new rule takes the important step of requiring BLM to consider giving preference to numerous other factors when considering lands available for lease, including the presence of important habitats, historic properties and sacred sites, and recreation and other uses. We hope this will help to steer leasing away from nearby national parks and better protect irreplaceable resources on public lands.”

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The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks represents over 2,600 current, former, and retired employees and volunteers of the National Park Service, with over 45,000 collective years of stewardship of America’s most precious natural and cultural resources. Recognized as the Voices of Experience, the Coalition educates, speaks, and acts for the preservation and protection of the National Park System, and mission-related programs of the National Park Service. More information can be found at