Shutdown Damage Assessment Is Only Just Beginning

For Immediate Release: 31 January 2019  Shutdown Damage Assessment Is Only Just Beginning Though the federal government is now open under a continuing resolution, Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, urges continued government expediency and offers a note of caution. “We are happy to have National Park Service employees back

Coalition’s Letter to Sen. McConnell – Reopen the Dept. of the Interior

January 21, 2019 Dear Leader McConnell, On behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, a non-profit organization representing over 1,600 current and former National Park Service employees, we urge you to do everything in your power to fully reopen our national parks and public lands by ending this government shutdown and passing appropriations

Statement of Coalition Executive Council Member Richard Ring

  Statement of Richard G. Ring Executive Council Member, Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks concerning the impact of the federal government shutdown on the National Park System and the National Park Service. Democratic Steering & Policy Committee House of Representatives January 15, 2019 Rep. DeLauro, Rep. Swalwell, and members of the Steering and Policy

Coalition Joins Others to Urge Passage of H.R. 266

  January 11, 2019 Dear Representative, We, the members of the National Parks Second Century Action Coalition[i], write to ask Representatives to support H.R. 266, the FY19 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations bill. Passage of this bill and other individual appropriations bills would reopen portions of the federal government, putting Americans back to work

Coalition Joins Groups Calling Trump to Close Parks during Shutdown

January 9, 2019 President Donald J. Trump The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear President Trump: We respectfully ask that you agree to fully fund the government and reopen agencies currently closed. Otherwise, we strongly urge that you close units of the National Wildlife Refuge System, the National Parks, and other public lands, until sufficient

Coalition Statement on the Partial Government Shutdown

Statement of Phil Francis, Chair of The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, on the Partial Government Shutdown: “We are deeply concerned about the decision by the Trump Administration and this Republican-led Congress to partially shut down the federal government. Adding insult to injury, Secretary Zinke is directing select national parks to remain open with

Coalition Joins Public Lands Advocates in Telepresser on Government Shutdown

With a potential shutdown of the federal government looming, former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff and public lands and environmental advocates hosted a press call to discuss the ramifications of a shutdown. It was very apparent from the call that this decision would have a serious and negative impact on federal employees, and critical public