Coalition Celebrates Decision to Defer UT Lease Sales

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Bloch, Legal Director, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, 801-859-1552, st***@su**.org Anne Hawke, Senior Press Secretary, Natural Resources Defense Council,  646-823-4518, ah****@nr**.org Liam Kelly, Communications Manager, National Parks Conservation Association, 213-814-8666 Emily Thompson, Associate Director of Engagement, Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, 202-758-3936, Em************@pr********.org Salt Lake City, UT (August 12, 2020) – The Bureau of Land

Coalition Objects to Proposed Political Speech at Gettysburg National Military Park

  President Trump recently announced he is considering both Gettysburg National Military Park and the White House as the setting for his upcoming speech to accept the Republican Presidential nomination. In light of this announcement, Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, has sent a letter to the Acting Director of

Coalition Chair Comments On What Comes After Great American Outdoors Act

President Trump Has Signed The Great American Outdoors Act: Now What?  By Kurt Repanshek – August 5th, 2020 4:22pm Passage of the Great American Outdoors Act has been hailed as one of the greatest conservation measures to come out of Congress in decades, as it will send $6.5 billion to the National Park Service to battle deferred

Coalition Signs on to FY21 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Letter

July 23, 2020 Dear Representative,  We, the members of the National Parks Second Century Action Coalition , ask that you support the FY21 Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations bill as part of the minibus package. We also urge you to oppose any policy riders that harm our national parks.  We support the robust $200

Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Applauds Momentous Movement on Great American Outdoors Act

  WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the United States House of Representatives passed the Great American Outdoors Act. The bill now moves to President Trump’s desk for his signature. This act would fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), a popular program that invests in national parks, public lands, and communities across the country.

Coalition Signs On to Comments on Migratory Bird Treaty Act

  July 20, 2020 BY ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION Via Federal eRulemaking Portal Attn: FWS-HQ-MB-2018-0090 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service MS: JAO/lN 5275 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22041-3803 Re: Docket No. FWS-HQ-MB-2018-0090, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Regulations Governing Take of Migratory Birds Please accept the following comments on behalf of over 35 undersigned organizations, which

Coalition Supports Legislation to End Non-Competitive Leasing

  U.S. Senator Jon Tester introduced legislation requiring the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to issue all oil and gas leases through competitive auction, ending noncompetitive leasing and encouraging government inefficiency. Noncompetitive leases are lands that the market has determined have little or no potential for oil and gas development. They are commonly purchased by

Coalition Joins Partners in Comments on Upcoming Oil and Gas Lease Sale

 Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance – Center for Biological Diversity – Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks – Great Old Broads for Wilderness – Living Rivers – National Parks Conservation Association – Natural Resources Defense Council – Old Spanish Trail Association – Partnership for the National Trails System – Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility – The

400+ Coalition Members Sign on To Letter in Support of Great American Outdoors Act

July 9, 2020 Dear Representatives, We are writing on behalf of over 1,800 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, or current employees of the National Park Service (NPS). The Coalition studies, educates, speaks, and acts for the preservation of America’s National Park System. As

Member Oped: Mount Rushmore Fireworks A Bad Idea

Opinion by Cheryl Schreier July 1, 2020 at 4:20 p.m. EDT Cheryl Schreier was superintendent of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial from 2010 to 2019. It has been more than 10 years since fireworks were last seen at Mount Rushmore National Memorial. The fireworks were canceled in 2010, my first year as superintendent of the

Coalition Signs on to Letter Regarding Air Quality Standards

 June 29, 2020  Andrew Wheeler, Administrator Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20460  Submitted via RE: Secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter; Proposed Rule; Docket No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0072  Dear Administrator Wheeler, We, the undersigned public lands and conservation organizations, strongly oppose the proposal to retain the current, inadequate secondary

Coalition Submits Comments on NPS Jurisdiction in Alaska

  June 29, 2020 Donald Striker, Acting Regional Director National Park Service Alaska Regional Office 240 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Submitted via Subject:  Comments on Proposed Rule – National Park Service Jurisdiction in Alaska RIN: 1024-AE63 Dear Mr. Striker: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,800 members of the Coalition

Coalition Signs On to Support H.R. 2, the “Moving Forward Act.”

June 29, 2020 Dear Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader McCarthy, Chairman DeFazio, Ranking Member Graves, Chairman Grijalva, and Ranking Member Bishop:  On behalf of our organizations and our millions of members and supporters, we want to thank you for the positive wildlife and public lands conservation provisions in H.R. 2, the “Moving Forward Act.” We appreciate

Coalition: Fireworks at Mount Rushmore a Bad Idea

  Firework Celebration at Mount Rushmore is A Bad Idea The National Park Service has announced it will resume Fourth of July fireworks at Mount Rushmore National Memorial. The event this year will be held on July 3, 2020, and President Trump has indicated he plans to attend. The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks

Coalition Member Comments on Mount Rushmore Fireworks Demonstration

Trump is headlining fireworks at Mount Rushmore. Experts worry two things could spread: virus and wildfire. National Park Service and local fire marshal officials have warned for years about dangers in resuming fireworks at the memorial. By Juliet Eilperin, Darryl Fears and Josh Dawsey Published in The Washington Post – June 25, 2020 President Trump

Letter to Appropriators: NEPA EO Will Harm Parks

  June 23, 2020 Dear Chairwoman Lowey and Chair McCollum, We are writing on behalf of over 1,800 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, or current employees of the National Park Service (NPS). The Coalition studies, educates, speaks, and acts for the preservation of

Former NPS Alaska Managers Submit Letter to DOI Opposing NPS Final Rule on Hunting and Trapping in Alaska

  June 19, 2020 The Honorable Rob Wallace Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington, DC  20240 Subject:  National Park Service Final Rule on Hunting and Trapping in National Preserves in Alaska (RIN 1024-AE38) Dear Assistant Secretary Wallace: We write to you on behalf

Yellowstone National Park’s Reopening Protocol is Commendable

  June 18, 2020 Dear Acting Director Vela: I am writing to you on behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks to commend Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Cam Sholly, his staff, and local public health partners for their outstanding management and implementation of the park’s COVID-19 reopening plan. We are impressed and greatly

Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Applauds Momentous Movement on Great American Outdoors Act

WASHINGTON, DC — Earlier today, the United States Senate passed the Great American Outdoors Act by a vote of 73-25. The bill now moves to the House for final passage. This act would fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), a popular program that invests in national parks, public lands, and communities across

Coalition Joins Partners in Support of INVEST in America Act

June 16, 2020 Dear Members of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, We, the members of the National Parks Second Century Action Coalition, write in support of the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act (INVEST in America Act), especially the increased funding levels for federal lands to help

Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Reacts to President’s Order on NEPA

  On June 4, 2020, the President released an executive order waiving the environmental review process for some infrastructure projects and using the pandemic as justification, writing, “as agencies respond to situations involving immediate threats to human health or safety, or immediate threats to valuable natural resources, they must consider whether there is sufficient time

Amid pandemic, Interior moves forward with enormous oil and gas drilling plan on public lands near National Parks  

  Contact: Liam Kelly, National Parks Conservation Association, 213-814-8666, lk****@np**.org Landon Newell, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, 801.428.3991, la****@su**.org   Salt Lake City, UT – The Trump administration has released its proposal to open up more than 110,000 acres of public land to oil and gas drilling, most of which lies in southern Utah near Canyonlands,

Coalition Comments on New DOI Acting Orders

  Posted to The Hill – 06/09/20 06:00 AM EDT By Rebecca Beitsch and Rachel Frazin A new Interior Department move to leave controversial temporary leaders in place indefinitely may violate laws on filling vacancies, legal experts say, and skirts requirements for Senate confirmation. In a statement provided to The Hill on Friday, Interior said

Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Applauds Introduction of the Bill in the House of Representatives, Senate Cloture Vote

  WASHINGTON, DC — Earlier today, the US Senate held a cloture vote to advance the Great American Outdoors Act just days after the legislation was also introduced in the US House of Representatives. The Great American Outdoors Act would fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund, a popular program that invests in public

Coalition Condemns President Trump’s Removal of Marine Protections on the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument

President Trump announced Friday that he will remove protections on the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, a nearly 5,000-square-mile area southeast of Cape Cod that is home to endangered whales and sea turtles, and will open the area up to commercial fishing. In reaction to the announcement, Phil Francis, chair of the coalition

Parks Group Demands Answers to Park Police’s Unprovoked and Aggressive Actions Against Peaceful Protesters

David Bernhardt Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior 1849 C St NW Washington, DC 20240 **Submitted via email** June 4, 2020 Dear Secretary Bernhardt, We write with deep concern about the recent actions of the United States Park Police during ongoing protests in Washington, DC. Like protests around the country, those in our

Coalition Participates in House Virtual Forum on Parks and Pandemic

Statement of Philip A. Francis, Jr. Chair of the Executive Council Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Committee on Natural Resources Virtual Forum House of Representatives “Not So Grand Opening: Examining Local Perspectives on the Department of the Interior’s Plan to Reopen National Parks During the Coronavirus

Comments on Proposed Rule titled “General Provisions; Electric Bicycles.”

  June 2, 2020 Jay Calhoun, Regulations Program Manager National Park Service 849 C Street NW, MS-2472 Washington, DC 20240 Subject:  Comments on Proposed Rule titled “General Provisions; Electric Bicycles.” RIN 1024-AE61. Dear Mr. Calhoun: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,800 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition),

Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Condemns President’s Use of Violence

Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Condemns President’s Use of Violence Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, issued the following statement: The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks condemns the recent and continued attacks on people of color in this country. We mourn the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor,

Member OP-ED: Killing bear cubs and wolf pups in their dens on NPS lands in Alaska is wrong

Many people would agree that hunting methods such as killing black bear mothers with cubs in their dens, “harvesting” grizzly bears over bait, “taking” female wolves and coyotes and their pups during denning season, are deeply offensive, particularly on public lands, like the national preserves managed by the National Park Service in Alaska. Yet, Secretary David Bernhardt’s Interior Department

Coalition Praises Senate Movement on Great American Outdoors Act

  Former National Park Service Employees Praise Senate Movement on Great American Outdoors Act, Urge Swift Passage WASHINGTON, DC — Late yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate would take up the Great American Outdoors Act when it returns next month. The legislation would fully-fund the popular conservation program investing in public

Member OP-ED: The outdoors is a good getaway amid pandemic. Just not the Grand Canyon. Don’t reopen it yet

Grand Canyon National Park is an icon. It attracts visitors from all over the world who flock to the South Rim and other viewpoints within the park that offer a glimpse of the famous Canyon. As the pandemic continues to impact our lives, when social distancing is still the name of the game, reopening this

Coalition Condemns Final NPS Alaska Hunting Rule

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 5/20/20 The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks expressed outrage at the National Park Service’s decision to announce the final rule that amends its regulations to adopt the state of Alaska’s approved hunting practices, which target predator species, and include killing black bear sows with cubs at den sites; killing wolves

Coalition Rolls Out Advocacy Toolkit on Reopening Parks

The Coalition has developed a toolkit that summarizes our position on when national parks should safely reopen. We urge you to take a look and reach out to your Congressional representatives or share some of our guidance on your social media. If you need some additional information, please visit our Advocacy Guide, which provides some best practices

Member Oped: Halt oil and gas lease sales and protect Carlsbad Caverns

Rick Smith and Cherry Payne, Coalition to Protect America’s Parks Published Carlsbad Current-Argus May 14, 2020 Each year, over 450,000 people visit Carlsbad Caverns National Park to marvel at otherworldly cave formations and the flying rivers of Mexican free-tail bats departing each evening for their nightly meal. The park is recognized as a national treasure and

Member OpEd: Oil and Gas Lease Sales Should be Paused During the Pandemic Crisis

Opinion: Oil and gas lease sales should be paused during the coronavirus crisis – Sheridan Steele Special to The Colorado Sun The COVID-19 pandemic has swept through the United States and changed our daily lives. Complying with orders from city, state and national leaders, those who are able to in Colorado are staying home to

Coalition Comments on Acting Positions in DOI

– UPDATE – Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) Sues Over “Acting” Positions For National Park Service, BLM Directors Posted by National Parks Traveler Staff (NPT)- May 11th, 2020 NPT Editor’s note: This updates with reaction from the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks and National Parks Conservation Association. David Vela, the de facto director of

Coalition Joins 850+ Groups in Congressional Letter Supporting Great American Outdoors Act

Support for the Great American Outdoors Act May 11, 2020 Dear Majority Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Schumer, and Minority Leader McCarthy: Our organizations, and the members we represent, strongly support passage and subsequent enactment of the Great American Outdoors Act (S. 3422) as quickly as  possible. This bill is necessary to support the

Coalition Urges Caution in Podcast Discussion on Reopening Parks

A conversation with Phil Francis, the chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, and Joan Anzelmo, a longtime spokesperson for numerous National Park Service units, about Interior Secretary David Bernhardt’s rush to reopen national parks despite warnings from career NPS staff about risks to employees and the public.     Posted May 8,

Victory in a 30-year fight to protect groundwater under Great Basin National Park

There is good news to celebrate in a long struggle against the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) proposed groundwater pumping and pipeline project in Eastern Nevada, which would have caused significant impact to Great Basin National Park. Following a 30-year battle, the SNWA has decided not to appeal the March 2020 decision by Nevada District Court

Coalition Reacts to President Trump’s Remark That National Parks Will Reopen

WASHINGTON, DC —Moments ago, at a tree-planting ceremony on the White House Lawn, President Trump remarked that he would begin to reopen national parks to the public. Phil Francis, Chairman of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (CPANP), issued the following in response: “We understand that the president is eager to reopen our national

Parks Groups File Brief Against Administration’s Weak Air and Climate Rule

Parks Groups File Brief Against Administration’s Weak Air and Climate Rule Washington, DC – The National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks took legal action today by filing an amicus brief in the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. The brief supports a challenge to the Trump administration’s Affordable Clean Energy (ACE)

Coalition Rebukes Secretary Bernhardt’s Messaging

The Coalition issued a short statement in response to an op-ed by Department of Interior Secretary David Bernhardt. Fox News published an op-ed in which the Secretary defended his lackluster response to the coronavirus pandemic, which many experts have warned puts park workers, volunteers, and visitors at risk of infection. Phil Francis, chairman of the Coalition to Protect

Coalition Urges Funding for Lands Package to Assist with Economic Recovery

The Coalition has called on the Department of Interior to shut down America’s National Parks since the COVID-19 pandemic began. But we also have continued to advocate for long-term solutions needed to protect America’s national parks, and help the gateway communities around them survive the economic devastation caused by the pandemic. The COVID-19 crisis has revealed

Coalition: Grand Canyon Superintendent Selection is Appalling

  Coalition: Grand Canyon Superintendent Selection is Appalling The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks expressed shock and disappointment at the news that Department of the Interior (DOI) Solicitor Edward Keable has been named the new Superintendent of Grand Canyon National Park. Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks: “Ed Keable

Coalition Issues Statement on Oil and Gas Meeting

National Park Service Retirees on President Trump’s Meeting with Oil Executives Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Says Bernhardt is Prioritizing Former Clients Oil Interests, Over the Safety and Health of National Parks Employees WASHINGTON, DC — Today, President Donald Trump met with oil company executives at the White House to discuss falling oil prices

Coalition Letter to Acting Director Vela on Continuing COVID-19 Response

  April 2, 2020 Mr. David Vela Acting Director National Park Service 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington, DC  20240 Dear Acting Director Vela: I am writing to you on behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition) to express our ongoing concerns about the many units of the National Park System remain open

Letter to Secretary Bernhardt: Close Public Access to Parks

  March 31, 2020 The Honorable David Bernhardt, Secretary U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington, DC  20240 Dear Secretary Bernhardt: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,800 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, and current employees of

Member OP-ED: We must protect Utah’s Red Rock landscapes

By Cordell Roy | Special to The Salt Lake Tribune Published: 3/29/20 In this time of national emergency, it may seem relatively trivial to concern oneself with anything other than our own personal and community well-being. However, the well-being of our environment and public lands that contribute to Utahns quality of life is also experiencing

Coalition Joins Over 90 Organizations Calling for Suspension of Public Comment Periods During National Health Emergency

American Bird Conservancy • Archaeology Southwest • Athens County’s Future Action Network • Basin and Range Watch • Black Hills Clean Water Alliance • Born Free USA • Buckeye Environmental Network • Center for Biological Diversity • Christian Council of Delmara • Clean Water Action • Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks • Conservation Council

Coalition Members Speak Out About Park Visitation During Pandemic

Coalition members are speaking out about the dangers of increased visitation at national parks, despite the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations about social distancing. Numerous parks across the country have seen an increase in visitation since the Secretary of the Interior waived entrance fees in parks. “We should not be encouraging more visitation to our national

Coalition Joins 51 Conservation Groups Commenting On Migratory Bird Treaty Act Rollbacks

  The comments were submitted by the Southern Environmental Law Center regarding the Trump administration’s proposal to rollback the protections of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  Click here to read the PDF file. The Coalition also joined the Audubon Society and other organizations in their sign-on letter opposing proposed changes to the MBTA. Click here to

DOI Should Not Encourage Additional Park Visitation

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 3/19/20 MEDIA CONTACT: Emily Thompson; Em************@pr********.org; 202-758-3936 DOI Should Not Encourage Additional Park Visitation Interior Secretary David Bernhardt has waived entrance fees at national parks across the country to encourage visitation and “make it easier for the American public to enjoy the outdoors in our incredible national parks.” However, this decision

Coalition Supports Halt to Lease Sales and Hold on Public Comment Periods

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 3/17/20 MEDIA CONTACT: Emily Thompson; Em************@pr********.org; 202-758-3936 Coalition Supports Halt to Lease Sales and Hold on Public Comment Periods “We fully support the idea of suspending ongoing comment periods, halting oil and gas lease sales, and delaying new policy proposals. Just as we called on the Department of the Interior (DOI)

 Coalition Calls for Closures at National Parks

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 3/16/20 MEDIA CONTACT: Emily Thompson; Em************@pr********.org; 202-758-3936  Coalition Calls for Closures at National Parks In an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidance that calls for a nationwide halt to gatherings of 50 people or more. In addition, Americans are

America’s Best Idea at Risk

  Our national parks are America’s Best Idea. They protect our irreplaceable natural and cultural resources, preserve the stories of our past, and connect Americans to the outdoors. Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) funding is crucial to the successful management of our national parks and the continued protection of the irreplaceable natural and cultural resources

Coalition Signs on to Collective Comments Regarding Proposed NEPA Changes

Ms. Mary Neumayr Chairman Council on Environmental Quality 730 Jackson Place NW Washington, DC 20503 Attn: Docket No. CEQ-2019 0003 March 10, 2020 Re: Attachment I—NEPA Archive Dear Chairman Neumayr: The following compiled materials, included as Attachment I to the environmental coalition letter, are pertinent to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process as it

Backpacker: Here’s How the Presidential Candidates’ Public Lands Plans Stack Up

By Elizabeth Miller Mar 10, 2020 While Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden have spoken at length about fighting climate change, conservation groups say their plans for America’s public lands are big on promises and short on details. In the 11 years that Phil Francis was Great Smoky Mountains National Park’s deputy superintendent, he saw air quality

Coalition Comments On Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act

  March 10, 2020 Edward Boling Associate Director for the National Environmental Policy Act Council on Environmental Quality 730 Jackson Place, N.W. Washington, DC  20503 Subject:  Comments on “Update to the Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)” {Docket No. CEQ-2019-0003} Dear Mr. Boling: I am writing to you

Testimony of Philip A. Francis, Jr. Chair of the Executive Council

Statement for the Record Philip A. Francis, Jr. Chair of the Executive Council Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives Hearing on FY 2021 Budget for the National Park Service March 6, 2020 Rep. McCollum, Rep. Joyce, and members of the subcommittee, thank

Coalition Celebrates Movement on Combined Bill to Protect National Parks

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 3/5/20 Coalition Celebrates Movement on Combined Bill to Protect National Parks “We are celebrating the positive progress of a combined bill that will make an incredible difference to the protection and preservation of our national parks and public lands. As life-long stewards of our national parks, we know what a difference

Coalition: National Park Visitation Demands Greater National Park Service Budget

  Coalition: National Park Visitation Demands Greater National Park Service Budget By Kurt Repanshek on March 2nd, 2020 © National Parks Traveler   While visitation to the National Park System remains strong, the same can’t be said of the National Park Service’s ability to welcome those visitors and preserve the parks’ resources, according to the

Coalition Testifies at NEPA Public Hearing in Washington, DC

Statement of Amy Fehir Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Regarding Proposed Revisions to CEQ Regulations for the Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act Washington, DC Hearing February 25, 2020 Good evening. My name is Amy Fehir. I am a former National Park Service employee and the current Executive Director of the Coalition to

Ahead of Testimony, Coalition Issues Statement on NEPA Changes

  Ahead of Testimony, Coalition Issues Statement on NEPA Changes “Current NEPA procedures have long provided a critical mechanism for ensuring that the National Park Service fulfills its mission to conserve parks unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations. And a key factor in making good decisions that protect parks has been strong citizen involvement.

Public Lands Should Not Be Sold to Balance the Budget

  Today was the nomination hearing for Judy Shelton, President Trump’s latest nominee for the Federal Reserve Board. Shelton has expressed the view that the U.S. government should sell-off its “numerous federal land holdings” in order to “expedite the achievement of a balanced budget.” Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks,

Coalition Testifies at NEPA Public Hearing

Statement of Sarah Bransom Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Regarding Proposed Revisions to CEQ Regulations for the Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act Denver, Colorado Hearing February 11, 2020 Good morning. My name is Sarah Bransom. I am presenting this testimony on behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks. Our group

Member Op-ed: Organ Pipe Cactus Will Suffer Irreversible Destruction

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument is home to a thriving community of plants and animals. In fact, this national monument is also an International Biosphere Reserve, recognized for its conservation of the unique resources representing a pristine example of an intact Sonoran Desert ecosystem. But the health and continued protection of this irreplaceable ecosystem is

Coalition Denounces Massive Cuts to DOI Budget in President’s Proposed Budget

Coalition Denounces Massive Cuts to DOI Budget in President’s Proposed Budget WASHINGTON, DC — This morning, the White House released its proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2021, which includes massive cuts to major domestic programs. The Trump Administration’s proposed budget includes cuts to the Department of Interior funding, which includes a 97% cut in discretionary

Coalition Condemns Final Management Plans for Utah National Monuments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, February 06, 2020 CONTACT: Emily Thompson, 202-758-3936, Em************@Pr********.org Coalition Condemns Final Management Plans for Utah National Monuments WASHINGTON, DC — This morning, the Interior Department finalized resource management plans for the reduced Bears Ears National Monument and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah by releasing two Records of Decision. The decision

Oppose Eagle Crest Legislation

  February 3, 2020 The Honorable Chris Holden and Laura Friedman Assembly Utilities and Energy and Natural Resources Committees State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: Opposition to Eagle Crest Legislation Dear Chair Holden and Chair Friedman, We write to express our opposition to legislation directing the procurement by the Independent System Operator of expensive long-duration

Coalition Participates in Outdoor Retailer Panel on Parks and Climate Change

Coalition Member Gary Davis recently served as a panelist for the session Parks in Peril: National Parks in a Changing Climate at Outdoor Retailer, a business-to-business outdoor sports show for those working in the industry. Several hundred people participated in the session, which included a lively discussion focused on the evolving role of science in

Coalition Comments on Electric Bicycles in NPS Alaskan Parks

January 29, 2020 National Park Service, Attn: Compendiums Alaska Regional Office 240 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Dear Alaska Regional Office: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,700 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition).The Coalition is a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, or current employees of

Prominent Park Advocates and Leaders Take Battle Over Atlantic Coast Pipeline to the Supreme Court

Today, the National Parks Conservation Association joined the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks and prominent park advocates Jon Jarvis, former director of the National Park Service, and Pam Underhill, former Superintendent of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, in filing a joint amicus brief supporting conservation respondents in U.S. Forest Service, et al. v. Cowpasture

Coalition Joins “Amici curiae” Brief to The Supreme Court of the United States

Coalition Joins “Amici curiae” Brief to The Supreme Court of the United States   Nos. 18-1584 & 18-1587 ================================================================================================================ In The Supreme Court of the United States • UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE, ET AL., Petitioners, v. COWPASTURE RIVER PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION, ET AL., Respondents. • ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC, Petitioner, v. COWPASTURE RIVER PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION, ET

Coalition Requests Extension of Comment Period for NEPA Update

January 20, 2020 Mary Neumayr, Chair Council on Environmental Quality 730 Jackson Place, N.W. Washington, DC  20503 Edward Boling, Associate Director for the National Environmental Policy Act Council on Environmental Quality 730 Jackson Place, N.W. Washington, DC  20503 Subject:  Request for a 60 day Extension of Public Comment Period on “Update to the Regulations for Implementing

Member OP-ED: Trump is Threatening America’s Cornerstone of Environmental Law to Allow for Backroom Deals

TRUMP IS THREATENING AMERICA’S CORNERSTONE OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW TO ALLOW FOR BACKROOM DEALS | NEWSWEEK OPINION JUDITH HAZEN CONNERY The Trump administration’s proposal to exempt some of the nation’s most controversial developments, such as pipelines and mines, from scrutiny under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is more than just a bone thrown to corporate

Coalition Condemns Proposed Changes to NEPA

For Immediate Release: 1/9/20 “We strongly condemn the administration’s proposed changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The National Park Service (NPS) is charged by law to protect our nation’s irreplaceable natural and cultural resources and NEPA is acritical tool that allows the NPS to meet their fundamental mission of protecting and preserving our

Coalition Comments: Sochan Gathering for Traditional Purposes at Great Smoky Mountains National Park

  January 5, 2020 Superintendent Cassius M. Cash National Park Service Great Smoky Mountains National Park 107 Park Headquarters Road Gatlinburg, Tennessee  37738 Dear Superintendent Cash: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,700 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition).The Coalition is a non-profit organization composed of retired, former,

Coalition Comments – Ebike Use on Trails

  January 4, 2020 Superintendent Craig Kenkel National Park Service Cuyahoga Valley National Park 15610 Vaughn Road Brecksville, OH 44141 Dear Superintendent Kenkel: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,700 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition).The Coalition is a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, or current employees of the

Coalition Statement on House Spending Packages

Coalition Statement on House Spending Packages For Immediate Release: 12/18/19 “We are pleased to see the increase to the National Park Service budget and appreciate the bipartisan investment in our national parks and public lands. Our national parks and national park service employees help to ensure that irreplaceable natural and cultural resources are preserved for

Op-ed: For the good of Maine, the Land and Water Conservation Fund must be fully funded.

By Sheridan Steele, Opinion guest column • December 7, 2019 10:39 am One of the greatest gifts Maine could receive this holiday season is full and dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund to be included in the fiscal year 2020 federal budget. LWCF enjoys wide bipartisan backing and is our nation’s most important program to conserve

OP-ED: Congress must keep promise on conservation fund

Brenda Barrett Wednesday November 20, 2019 01:14 PM Guest opinion: Congress must keep promise on conservation fund Pennsylvania counts on program that protects landscapes, cultural heritage sites. The Land and Water Conservation Fund, or LWCF, is our nation’s preeminent conservation program protecting our irreplaceable landscapes and cultural heritage sites. I should know; I have served

Coalition Meets with Portland Press Herald Editorial Board

Coalition Executive Council member Mike Murray recently met with the editorial staff at the Portland Press Herald to discuss the importance of the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The Herald published this editorial following their conversation. Editorials Published – December 2, 2019 Our View: Land and Water Conservation Fund needs protecting The federal program has purchased

The National Park System Deserves Better

The National Park System Deserves Better Release Date: 11/7/19 Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, released a statement in response to the recent report by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) on evaporating staff levels at the National Park Service (NPS). “The agency figures released by PEER are incredibly concerning.

Coalition Comments on the Ambler Road Draft Environmental Impact Statement

  October 29, 2019 Ted A. Murphy, Associate State Director Bureau of Land Management Ambler Road Draft EIS Comments, BLM Public Room 222 West 7th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99513 Subject:  Comments on the Ambler Road Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Dear Mr. Murphy: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,700 members of

Coalition Comments on the Draft Environmental and Economic Analysis for the Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project

  October 29, 2019 Gregory Dudgeon, Superintendent Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve 4175 Geist Road, Fairbanks, AK 99709 Subject:  Comments on the Draft Environmental and Economic Analysis (EE) for the Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project Dear Superintendent Dudgeon: I am writing to you on behalf of over 1,700 members of the

Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Denounces Attempts to Privatize More NPS Campgrounds

  For Immediate Release: 10/26/2019 An advisory panel created by former Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is recommending that the Interior Department privatize more campgrounds and allow services such as Wi-Fi and food trucks, in addition to other commercialized services, at national park campgrounds. “The recommendations put forward by the ‘Made in America’ Outdoor

Coalition Talks to NPT About Commercializing More Campgrounds

National Park Campers Voice Strong Objections To Commercializing More Campgrounds By Kurt Repanshek, National Parks Traveler on October 16th, 2019   There is little support among National Parks Traveler readers for commercializing more national park campgrounds and adding WiFi, food trucks, and other amenities. While an advisory committee to Interior Secretary David Bernhardt is calling

Coalition Joins Partners in Expressing Concern Over Proposed Off-Road Vehicle Use in Utah Parks

October 9, 2019 The Honorable Rob Wallace Assistant Secretary of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington DC 20240 Dear Assistant Secretary Wallace, On behalf of the National Parks Conservation Association, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, The Wilderness Society, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Grand Canyon Trust, and Coalition

Restoring Community Input and Public Protections in Oil and Gas Leasing Act

10/15/19 Dear Representative, Subject:  H.R. 3225, Restoring Community Input and Public Protections in Oil and Gas Leasing Act We are writing on behalf of over 1,700 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, or current employees of the National Park Service (NPS). The Coalition studies,

Statement of support for Restoring Community Input and Public Protections in Oil and Gas Leasing Act (H.R. 3225) by Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks.

  Statement of support for H.R. 3225, Restoring Community Input and Public Protections in Oil and Gas Leasing Act by Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks. Release Date: 10/15/19 “Oil and gas development damages national parks across the country. And the threats posed to our National Park System have only

OP-ED: Protecting America’s national parks and our national identity

Coalition executive council member Sarah Bransom submitted her opinion article to The Hill on October 10, 2019. America’s national parks and public lands are at the core of our national identity. Throughout their existence, congressional representatives from both sides of the aisle have supported them, recognizing their importance to land conservation, outdoor recreation and economic

CPANP Letter Opposing DOI Reorg and the Use of Unobligated Funds

    October 9, 2019 Dear Chairmen Murkowski and McCollum and Ranking Members Udall and Joyce: We are writing on behalf of over 1,700 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, or current employees of the National Park Service (NPS). The Coalition studies, educates, speaks,

Comments on Proposed Closure of Target Shooting on Certain Lands within Bears Ears National Monument

September 24, 2019 BLM, Canyon Country District Bears Ears Management Plans Attn: Lance Porter Canyon Country District Office 82 East Dogwood, Moab, Utah 84532 Re: Comments on Proposed Closure of Target Shooting on Certain Lands within the Monument Dear Mr. Porter, Please accept and fully consider these comments regarding the proposed target-shooting closure within Bears

Statement by Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks on the Senate Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations bill for Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

9/30/19 Statement by Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks on the Senate Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriations bill for Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies: “We are pleased with many of the provisions in the Senate’s FY2020 Appropriations bill for Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies. And we are particularly encouraged to see

Coalition Files Joint Letter of Protest on Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

The National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), submitted this protest to the August 2019 Proposed Resource Management Plans (RMPs) and Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the three units of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) – the Grand Staircase, Kaiparowits, and Escalante Canyon Units – and the

Coalition Comments on NPS Memo Regarding External Review and Comments

Coalition Chair Phil Francis spoke with The Washington Post about a recent NPS memo directing superintendents to notify Washington supervisors before issuing comments to other parts of the federal government when they are worried about drilling and other proposed developments near national parks. “It makes me wonder what the motive really is,” said Francis. Read

Comments on ISRO Nonwilderness Cultural Resource Management Plan and Environmental Assessment

September 06, 2019 Phyllis Green, Superintendent Isle Royale National Park 800 East Lakeshore Drive Houghton, MI 49931 Subject:  Comments on ISRO Nonwilderness Cultural Resource Management Plan and Environmental Assessment Dear Superintendent Green: I am writing on behalf of over 1,700 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit organization composed of

Coalition Submits Letter Opposing DOI Reorganization

September 4, 2019 Honorable Raul Grijalva Chairman Committee on Natural Resources House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Mr. Chairman: On behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, I am writing concerning the September 10, 2019, hearing about the proposed reorganization of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and its effect on the

Coalition Comments on DOI-BLM Federal Pipeline Unit Wells

The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, National Parks Conservation Association, Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, and Center for Biological Diversity (collectively “SUWA”) submitted comments on the DOI-BLM Federal Pipeline Unit Wells located in the Colorado Plateau. In short, the Environmental Assessment failed to analyze cumulative impacts of reasonably foreseeable oil and gas wells in the Uinta

Coalition Condemns Trump Administration’s Changes to Endangered Species Act

  “The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is incredibly effective at saving plants, animals, and insects, from extinction. And it has widespread public support from the American people. Despite its success and popularity, the Trump administration has weakened the act and put countless species in danger of extinction. This administration continues to disregard the importance of

Coalition Joins Partners in Opposition to DOI Reorganization

The Coalition recently signed on to a letter, written in partnership with other conservation groups and sent to Congressional leadership, expressing deep concern about the administration’s reorganization of the Department of the Interior, the threat of which has become even more ominous with the announcement of the relocation of the Bureau of Land Management headquarters

Coalition Issues Statement on President Trump’s Speech on the Environment

Coalition Issues Statement on President Trump’s Speech on the Environment   Release Date: July 8, 2019 “President Trump’s speech today embodies the saying that ‘everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts.’ Despite his words to the contrary, this administration has consistently supported policies, and taken actions, that are harmful

Trump’s Salute to America an Irresponsible Use of National Park Service Resources

Trump’s Salute to America an Irresponsible Use of National Park Service Resources For Immediate Release: 7-1-19 Media Contact: Emily Thompson; Em************@pr********.org; 202-758-3936 National parks, considered “America’s Best Idea,” are iconic locations to celebrate America’s birthday. Unfortunately, President Trump’s proposed Salute to America celebration on the National Mall will place a huge burden on those tasked

Statement on House Natural Resources Committee Passage of Restore our Parks Act

  Coalition Statement on the House Natural Resources Committee’s Passage of Restore Our Parks and Public Lands Act Release Date: June 27, 2019 Statement of Phil Francis, Chair of The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks: “We are pleased that Congress is taking another step toward addressing the growing maintenance backlog that is crippling our

Coalition Submits Comments on AZ Border Infrastructure Projects

June 26, 2019 Paul Enriquez, Director Border Wall Program Management Office U.S. Customs and Border Protection U.S. Border Patrol Headquarters 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. 6.5E Mail Stop 1039 Washington, DC 20229-1100 Re: Pima and Cochise Counties, Arizona Border Infrastructure Project Dear Mr. Enriquez: The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks is submitting comments regarding the above

CPANP Encourages Funding for Deferred Maintenance in Interview with Public News Service

Coalition Chair Phil Francis recently spoke with the Public News Service about the extensive deferred maintenance backlog in national parks across the country. “Yellowstone and Grand Teton, they’re economic engines, because people love them,” Francis states. “They’re special places, special enough that people will take their vacations and spend their money and spend their time

Coalition Statement on House Natural Resources Committee Markup

  Coalition Statement on House Natural Resources Committee Markup Release Date: June 19, 2019 Statement of Phil Francis, Chair of The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks: “We are encouraged by the support shown for national parks and public lands in today’s committee markup. Legislation to require mandatory annual funding for the Land and Water

Coalition and Partners submit comments to BLM on Dangers of Hydraulic Fracturing

The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (CPANP) – in partnership with The Wilderness Society, the Natural Resource Defense Council, the National Parks Conservation Association and the Los Padres ForestWatch – has recently submitted comments regarding the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bakersfield Field Office Resource Management Plan, Hydraulic Fracturing Analysis – Draft Supplemental Environmental

Success Story – Speaking Out Against Impacts to Chaco Canyon NHP Helps Change Interior Direction

  In February 2017, the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks submitted comments – along with Tribes and several conservation organizations – to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in opposition to mineral leasing proposed on approximately 4.2 million acres of land in San Juan, Rio Arriba, McKinley and Sandoval Counties in New Mexico (NM). 

Pipeline Proposal a Threat to Nevada’s Public Lands

Former National Park Service Superintendents and current Nevada residents Mark Butler and Alan O’Neill submitted the following Op-Ed to the Reno Gazette-Journal about potential threats to Nevada national park lands. AB30 THREATENS NEVADA’S NATIONAL PARK AND PUBLIC LANDS Pipeline projects across the nation threaten our public lands and natural resources. Unfortunately, Nevada is not immune

Coalition Statement on the House Appropriations Committee draft fiscal year 2020 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Funding Bill

Statement on the House Appropriations Committee draft fiscal year 2020 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies funding bill Release Date: 5/15/19 “We pleased to see that this draft funding bill proposes $3.39 billion for the National Park Service, which is $168 million above the fiscal year 2019 enacted level and $649 million above President Trump’s appalling

LWCF Deserves Full Funding

LWCF has a huge impact in communities and states across the country. Read Coalition Executive Council member Mike Murray’s oped in the Portland Press Herald on the importance of LWCF in his home state of Maine.

Coalition Joins Partners to Advocate for Continued US Engagement in World Heritage Program

May 14, 2019 Dear Chairman Murkowski and Ranking Member Udall: As organizations dedicated to the protection and preservation of the historic and cultural resources of our nation including but not limited to World Heritage Sites, we write in support of the United States’ engagement in the World Heritage Program. We urge you to appropriate $1.926

Coalition Submits Testimony on FY20 Interior Appropriations

Statement of Philip A. Francis, Jr. Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations United States Senate FY 2020 Budget for the National Park Service May 13, 2019 Sen. Murkowski, Sen. Udall, and members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony on behalf

Coalition Comments on Proposed Changes to National Register

April 12, 2019 National Register of Historic Places National Park Service 1849 C Street NW, MS 7228 Washington, DC 20240 Re: (RIN) 1024-AE49 I am writing on behalf of over 1,700 members of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition), a non-profit organization composed of retired, former, or current employees of the National Park

Disappointing News for National Parks: Bernhardt Confirmed as Interior Secretary

  Coalition’s Statement on David Bernhardt’s Confirmation as Interior Secretary For Immediate Release:  12 April 2019 The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks expressed disappointment and concern over the confirmation of David Bernhardt as Secretary of the Interior. The organization represents over 1,700 members consisting of current, former, and retired National Park Service employees with

Bernhardt is Bad News for West Virginia Parks

Rebecca Harriett is the former Superintendent at Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and an Executive Council Member for the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks. Read her op-ed in the Charleston Gazette-Mail about the troubling nomination of David Bernhardt for Secretary of the Interior.  

Coalition to Congress: “David Bernhardt Poses a Serious Threat to our National Parks”

March 26, 2019 Dear Senator, I am writing on behalf of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks (Coalition). With more than 1,600 members, the Coalition consists mainly of retired National Park Service (NPS) employees, including: Former NPS directors; associate and regional directors; superintendents; rangers, and a wide variety of specialists. The Coalition was founded