Coalition Joins Opposition to H.R. 6009, the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act

March 19, 2024 Speaker Johnson, Leader Jeffries, and Members of the House of Representatives: On behalf of the undersigned conservation, climate, and public lands organizations, we write today in strong opposition to H.R. 6009, the Restoring American Energy Dominance Act. This legislation circumvents and undermines the administrative process, ignores significant public input across the West,

Coalition Joins Opposition to H.R. 5499, the Congressional Oversight of the Antiquities Act

March 20, 2024 Representative Bruce Westerman, Chairman Representative Raúl Grijalva, Ranking Member House Committee on Natural Resources 1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Re: H.R. 5499, Congressional Oversight of the Antiquities Act Dear Chairman Westerman and Ranking Member Grijalva, On behalf of the undersigned organizations and our millions of members across the country,