The Coalition to Protect America's National Parks Logo


President Trump recently announced he is considering both Gettysburg National Military Park and the White House as the setting for his upcoming speech to accept the Republican Presidential nomination.

In light of this announcement, Phil Francis, Chair of the Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, has sent a letter to the Acting Director of the National Park Service and issued the following statement:

“It is profoundly inappropriate to stage a high profile and partisan political event, such as a major political party’s presidential nomination acceptance speech, at Gettysburg National Military Park, a hallowed site that belongs to all Americans. We strongly object to President Trump’s proposal to hold his Republican presidential nomination acceptance speech at this sacred battlefield.

Using national park sites such as Gettysburg National Military Park or the White House as the setting for a campaign speech and having federal employees participate in partisan political activities raises numerous legal concerns and appears to be in conflict with the Park Service’s own regulations and policies related to special events in parks.

We cannot allow major partisan political events to occur on the hallowed grounds of Gettysburg National Military Park or in any other unit of the National Park System. There are many other far more appropriate venues for the President to give his acceptance speech.

Our national parks should not be exploited for political gain. They are meant to be enjoyed by all Americans, regardless of party affiliation or politics.”


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