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Coalition Statement on House Natural Resources Committee Markup

Release Date: June 19, 2019

Statement of Phil Francis, Chair of The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks:

“We are encouraged by the support shown for national parks and public lands in today’s committee markup. Legislation to require mandatory annual funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is critical to the continued protection and preservation of our treasured natural and cultural resources.

Congress demonstrated their support for LWCF when they passed legislation this spring ensuring the permanent reauthorization of this critical fund, our nation’s primary source for preserving nationally significant public lands and providing recreational opportunities in communities across the country.  Now, we are encouraged that our representatives are taking the next step to require full funding of LWCF.

Today’s positive progress on this critical piece of legislation is an indicator of Congress’ continued strong support for the protection and preservation of our nation’s most treasured places.”


The Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks is a reliable, respected, and effective advocate for achievement of the mission and goals of the National Park Service. Recognized as the Voices of Experience, CPANP studies, educates, speaks, and acts for the preservation and protection of the National Park System, and mission-related programs of the National Park Service. CPANP represents over 1,700 current, former, and retired employees and volunteers of the National Park Service, with over 40,000 collective years of stewardship of America’s most precious natural and cultural resources. More information can be found at